use sheaths over their cocks. No, they put it all out there on display and they did not hold back. They were forceful, aggressive and it was almost impossible to leave the place without paying for a lap dance.

“You aren’t square are you?” Julie asked. “You act like my mother or something. You have been to a strip club before, right?”

I laughed. “Yes, I’ve been dragged to one a time or two.”

“Dragged to? Hell, I usually have to be dragged away from the place.”

Julie, Sammie, and Katy—a few girls from the team—decided that I should go out with them tonight since I was one of the new girls. Out of all the girls that had tried out, only three of us were new to the team. The others were all veterans, even though they were my age or even a bit younger. Many of them had skipped right through college and started playing pro right away. I envied that, but I would have finished college first anyway. Education was important to me at that time.

I was a bit leery about going out, mostly because now we were somewhat in the public eye. The managers and team owners had gone over the guidelines that we had to conduct ourselves a certain way when we were on the field and off the field since we now represented the team and the companies who sponsored us. I could understand that, but I had a feeling that going to a strip club was pretty much not the thing we should have been doing.

But I did want to fit in, and I wanted to be one of the girls. They all seemed to like me and respect me, after I showed them what I could do on the field. Before that they were very stand-off-ish and I heard rumors about “the old rookie” and how I “cheated my way on” or that I “slept with the right person” to be chosen.

I quickly dispelled all those myths when I started hitting the ball like crazy and striking batters out left and right. It seemed that as soon as I stepped on that field that first day, all the fears and the nerves that had been building up within me just disappeared. I was ready. I had arrived.

So, the girls had gradually accepted me and now they wanted to take me out for a wild night to break me in. I felt a bit special about it, although I wasn’t sure I necessarily trusted these women that much yet. I was a little leery. I’d heard horror stories about things that veterans liked to do to tease the rookies. Some of those things could be rather horrific.

As we entered the club, I couldn’t help but wonder what Lance would have thought about me coming to a club like this. Actually, I didn’t think he would have cared too much. He was so secure in himself. And he’d proven that a few days ago when he surprised me at the game. I had no idea he was going to be there. The second I laid eyes on him, all of those feelings came flooding right back to me and I knew I had to have him again.

And have him I did… the sex in the shower was out of this world exciting. We tried something new and it was spectacular.

I hated to see him leave again when the weekend was over. I could tell he didn’t want to go either. He was waiting for me to tell him that I’d changed my mind about us as a couple, and that I had changed my mind about marrying him so that he could be put back in his father’s will. But I hadn’t. In fact, I was a little bit glad to see him go.

But only a little bit. And that was mostly because being around him was too painful. I had a new life here. Lance was part of the old life. Being around him again was a little bit confusing and brought up old feelings. I knew that I was happy back in Cincinnati. I had a life staring out there, but it had been too little too late and then this amazing opportunity had come by. I had to take it. The only time I’d been sorry about that choice was when I saw Lance. And then when he left, I was saddened by it again. I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. It was so confusing.

I followed the ladies into the club, and I was instantly impressed. Everywhere I looked I saw a hunky guy without his shirt. They were all ripped, lean, muscular, and glistening. Wow… this was amazing. Where in the world did they find this many superbly beautiful men who could dance?

We quickly found a couch and sat down. I was still in awe of this place as I stared around at the shirtless men dancing around. Then I saw the man onstage dancing totally nude. His long, hard cock was flopping around in mid-air as he did lunging and stretching moves. I could not take my eyes off his package. It reminded me a lot of Lance. He was hot enough to be any one of these dancers. Hell, he was hotter than several of them.

Dammit, I missed him. Everyone was starting to remind me of him. I couldn’t even shake his memory in a place like this. Who was I kidding? I really cared about Lance. Hell, I was in love with him. Why was I letting so many things keep us apart? Why? Because it was simpler? Because I was afraid of too many unknown things?

“Alright bitches! Let’s get royally fucked up and make some bad decisions!” Julie yelled.

The group cheered.

A moment later a shirtless guy who was absolutely beautiful looking came by to take our orders. I started to order a beer when Julie stopped me. “Hell no,” she said. “Bring us shots of Tequila and keep them coming!”

The waiter went off to get the shots. I hated Tequila. And the one time I’d gotten drunk on it, I still couldn’t remember what I did. Apparently, it is one of those things that makes me blackout.

I had a bad feeling about this, but the girls were really starting to get into it, so I decided I would go along with them, but I going to try to pace myself.

The waiter brought the shots and sat them down on the table in front of us. He was bringing us each two shots at a time.

“Alright bitches!” Julie began, holding up both of her shot glasses. “Let’s do this! Kat, you are the new girl. So, you go first.”

I took a deep breath and without thinking, downed the first shot of tequila down my throat so fast I could barely taste it. The bitter liquid did not have a chance to hit my tongue. It did burn my throat though, and I felt myself about to gag a little, butI held it down. And then I quickly poured the other shot down my throat. It was easier the second time for some reason. I felt my head already starting to spin, my body getting very warm, and my legs buzzing a bit.

This was dangerous. I did not want to get drunk on tequila, but that seemed to be what was in store tonight. That was the plan if you were going to hang with these girls. I’d probably have a wicked hangover at practice tomorrow.

The other girls all cheered me on. “Alright! She isn’t a lightweight!” Sammie cheered in my ear as she gave me an approving hug.

It felt good to have that from my comrades. I was starting to really feel accepted by the group, and that was important for me. I didn’t want any jealousy or hard feelings on this team, but that would probably be unavoidable. I could still freshly remember the squabbles that my high school teammates and I used to get into. It was all petty. Hopefully, these young ladies had matured past that by now, but I was still not keeping my hopes up.

The evening drifted on with each girl doing shot after shot. I tried to pace myself and after four shots, I refused to do anymore. It was fun hanging with my teammates and forging those all-important bonds, but I was not going to jeopardize my health or my new job with some reckless stunts like this.

“You weakling!” Susie yelled in my ear. “What are you afraid of? This is how the Comets roll!”

I laughed it off and shook my head. I asked the waiter to bring me a soda with lime. Then I headed to the ladies’ room. The room was already starting to spin a little bit for me. I hardly ever drank straight liquor. I was glad I’d cut myself off when I did. I could only imagine that it was going to get worse from here.