I made it upstairs and paused a moment to listen again. I heard nothing. Making my way over to the kids’ room, I opened the door quietly to peer inside. They were both deeply asleep. I closed the door gently and stood there for a moment. What in the hell was I hearing? It was gone now? Was it downstairs after all?
I headed towards the stairs, but stopped dead in my tracks when the sound grazed the air. The scratching sounds once again. Where was it coming from? I paused a moment to listen to it and then I realized that it sounded like it was coming from the master bedroom.
I entered the master bedroom and flicked on the light. I felt weird being in the Normans’ bedroom (where the magic happened, I presumed). I giggled at my own joke. I wondered how often the Normans got it on. They had been married for years and they had two young kids. Did they ever have the time or the opportunity anymore? I did want a family one day, but I swore that my husband and I would make the time to be intimate with each other no matter what. I knew it was important in a marriage.
Looking around the room, I was impressed to see a king-sized bed, a large chair in the corner, and a small library of books in a glass case. I moved over to take a closer look. Most of the books appeared to be fairly ordinary mystery/suspense thrillers. I wondered why they were treated so well. It was weird.
After finding nothing, I started to leave. Then I heard the scratching noises right behind me. They were very loud. I almost jumped out of my skin and I couldn’t help but yell a bit out of fear. It was so close. What was about to happen to me?
But after a moment of coming to the realization that I was in fact, perfectly fine, I turned around and saw the culprit that had been making so much racket and scaring me to death. There was a small branch scraping back and forth against the window in the wind.
“Really? Wow, girl. You’ve got to get ahold of yourself. This is nuts.”
I laughed at my delusion, turned off the light, and left the room. I felt very silly, but at least I’d had myself a little bit of an adventure for the evening. I went back downstairs and resumed my drawing.
The scratching did not seem so loud anymore. I wondered how the Normans slept with that racket going on though.
It wasn’t my business, but I wondered if they were too busy making love and loud noises that they didn’t notice. Wow, my head had really been in the gutter lately. I wasn’t sure why, but lately I’d been so worked up that I’d been thinking about sex almost nonstop. I really needed to find that man, I thought. But no matter how curious and hot I was, I did not want to give in and break my principles. I would only get one shot at the first time, and I wanted it to be very special. That’s the way I’d always been and that was the way I would stay. I wasn’t going to give in on this.
After sketching for about another ten minutes I heard the Normans come in. I greeted them warmly and decided not to tell them about my little adventure to their room. That would stay my little secret, as well as my musings about their sex life. I’d wanted to snoop in their room and see what type of paraphernalia I would find. I wasn’t having any sex of my own, so I was more than happy to snoop about in the sex lives of others.
But I would never actually go through someone else’s stuff. I knew that. There was nothing that would make me compromise my morals. But it was still a lot of fun to think about.
“So, how were the little monsters?” Ben asked. “Did they give you any trouble?”
“No,” I said. “Not at all. They both sacked out pretty easy.”
“Awesome,” Ben said. I noticed he liked to say the word ‘awesome’ a lot. It was kind of funny given the fact that he looked like an accountant, which he was. He was tall, a bit podgy, with glasses and a very mild-mannered vibe. His wife was much
spunkier and more interesting. Becky was fun to talk to and a lot of times I found myself wondering why she settled with a man like Ben. They were such opposites, a mismatch, but what they had seemed to work very well.
“Glad to hear it,” Becky said. She pulled fifty dollars out of her purse and handed it to me. “Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. You are a lifesaver.”
I smiled. “No problem. Thanks for thinking of me.”
“Absolutely. Now, are you ready for your interview tomorrow with Ricky?” Becky asked me with excitement in her eyes.
“Yeah, I think so. I’m actually a bit nervous.”
“What? Don’t be. Ricky is a real sweetheart. You will be fine.”
“Thanks, but I guess I’m nervous because if I don’t get that job then I don’t know what I might do. There just doesn’t seem to be anyone else reasonably close to me right now that is looking for anyone full time.”
“Well, Ricky is desperate. His last nanny abruptly quit, leaving him in a bind. You know how that goes. So, he is really excited that you are coming. I just hope you can keep from staring too long into his eyes. Girl, the man is gorgeous.”
I laughed. “Well, I’ll try.”
I left the Normans’ house and drove home. I kept thinking about what Becky had said. This was the second time that she had brought up how good-looking Ricky really was. Now, I was really nervous. What if he was so handsome that I forgot how to speak, or how to do well in the interview with the right answers? I couldn’t handle that. I needed to relax and just breathe.
When I got home, Tessa was binge watching some old eighties show she found online. She was a true television junkie. She rarely did anything else when she wasn’t working, except hang out with her boyfriend, Marty at his place. I suspected that when they weren’t being intimate, they were probably just watching a lot of television. It was a real sickness with her.
“How was it?” She asked.
I shrugged. “It was a babysitting gig. Nothing special. I did get freaked out at one point.” I told her the whole story about the scratching sounds.
She got a bang out of it and erupted with laughter. Tessa loved to hear about other’s misfortune. That was probably why she loved television so much. It was nothing but people having bad stuff happen to them.
“Tomorrow is the big interview, right? That should be cool. I know you are going to nail it,” she told me.