Gary had no idea, yet. I’d known since two days before the wedding, but I’d chosen to wait until the right moment to tell him. I knew that he was going to be thrilled. He’d always wanted a large family, so the more kids around, the merrier for him. I was fine with that as long as we were able to separate out the ages a bit. I had no aspirations to have three kids under the age of five. That just sounded like a lot of insanity. I felt it would be better for the development of the children to separate them out a little as well.

“Wow, someone is beat,” I said. “Are you feeling the effects of father time already?”

Gary looked at me and laughed. “That’s not even right. I’m fine. I’m only a year older than you, remember that.”

“I do. You never let me forget it,” I said.

“Our age is fine.”

“I’m aware, but thirty is one of those ugly ages. It means you are past the official screw off phase of life. It means you are expected to be mature and adult at all times. That’s a lot of pressure.”

“Nah, I disagree. I don’t care about fake social constructs such as that. I’m going to act as goofy as I can for as long as I can. I do whatever makes me happy. That is all.”

“Well, that is one of the reasons I love you so much. You give me a license to be a jackass.”

Gary laughed. “Yeah, I guess I do. But ideally, you should give yourself that license.”

I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair.

“It is so sexy when you do that,” Gary said.

“Oh, you think so?” I asked.

“Yeah, everything you do is sexy,” he replied. “That is just something innate inside of you.”

“Thanks,” I said. “You as well. You may not realize it, and I know you hate it when I give you those compliments, but you are an extremely sexy man. I’m just worried I’m going to be competing for your affections from all of your rock star groupies.”

“What groupies? I put an album on the internet. No one knows who I am. I’m hardly getting any views anyway.”

“It’s just a matter of time,” I said. “People will find you.”

“I don’t know. I don’t real

ly care. I didn’t do it for people. I did it for me. Honestly, it’s the thing that got me through when you were gone. I poured my heart and soul into that music, into that album. Without that, I’m not sure what I would have done.”

“I know. I’ve listened to it so many times. It’s brilliant.”

“Thanks,” Gary said. “I’m glad you like it, and it will give you a deeper understanding of how I was feeling during that time.”

“It does. I hate myself a little bit more every time I listen to it, but the music is so beautiful that I can’t help myself. I am so sorry for all I’ve put you through, baby.”

Gary held me close. “Stop thinking about it. That is all in the past. We’ve moved on. This album doesn’t represent me anymore. It just represents a time in my life. That’s all. And now I can work on new music to represent the current time in my life. The current time is wonderful.”

“It’s even more wonderful than you know,” I said.

He got a puzzled look on his face. “What do you mean?”

I smiled and held him. Looking into his eyes, I said, “I’m pregnant.”

Gary didn’t say anything for a moment. He just stared into me. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes and he wiped them clean as if he was trying to restore his vision. “You are? Really?”

“Yes,” I said. “I wanted to surprise you. I went to the doctor last week to confirm. I’m pregnant.”

Gary kissed me hard on the mouth and held me to his chest. “Baby, I’m so happy. Wow… I… I just can’t believe it.”

“I love you, so much,” I said. “You are the most amazing husband and father. Our children are so lucky to have you in their lives.”

“Baby, you are amazing in every single way. From the moment I met you, I knew that there was something very special about you. All of this happened the way it did for a reason, and I believe that we are just now starting to see what those reasons really are. The meaning behind them is coming to the front. And I couldn’t be happier. I’m truly the luckiest man in the entire world. No one could ever convince me otherwise.”