“Roll over,” I said as I pulled out of her. I wanted to see her sweet ass and I wanted to fuck her from behind. That was the best way to get as deep as possible for me.

She did as I demanded and a moment later her tight, soft ass was pressed against me. It felt so warm, almost snuggly which I loved as I nestled between her cheeks and found that sweet entry point into her pussy. I plunged inside of her as deeply as I could. I felt like all ten of my long, thick inches were being submerged into the most amazing pool of warm fluid that I’d ever known. It was relaxing, it was loving, and it was the height of pleasure for me.

Shelly also moaned loudly with delight. “Oh, shit! Go deep! Ah… fuck…”

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear as I continued to enter her and withdrawal repeatedly. She somehow felt even tighter this way. I wasn’t sure how, but it was even better than missionary.

“I love you so much,” I said. “You are my entire world. I would die if you ever left me again, baby.” My voice came out in whispers, interspersed with the occasional kiss or nibble on her earlobe. My hard dick was still pressing into the tight, wet pool of her lust dead set on bringing about an insane orgasm that she might never recover from.

“Baby,” Shelly said. “I’m so sorry…I will never… ah… leave you again…ah… yes…”

Her teeth were gritting as she tried to speak through the pleasure. I held her warmly in my arms and doubled my efforts. My cock was now plunging into her with as much strength and speed as I could mus

ter. I could feel that we were both getting to that point, almost there. I was so ready to let my epic seed flow into her.

“I’m coming!” Shelly announced loudly. She leaned her head back against my shoulder as I turned to the side so that now we were spooning. I felt this would be a softer, more comfortable landing for her orgasm.

And it hit her hard right then. “Fuck!” Shelly yelled. She gasped loudly, sucking in breath after breath as if she couldn’t breathe. She was really falling into it. Her entire body began to shake violently from her toes to the top of her head. She bucked her hips as hard as she could into my stiff cock and I continued my onslaught of probing in and out of her tightness, which was growing tighter and wetter still.

Finally, as her orgasm started to die down, I kissed her on the lips, stroked her sweet face and then prepared to finally let go of my own orgasm. It came out of me hard right then, ripping through me in a way that was almost painful. The sharpness of the orgasm cut through me like a knife and I felt that sharpness up inside of my stomach as well.

I held my breath trying not to scream into Shelly’s ear, but the intensity of the orgasm was almost too much for me to take. I felt like my brain was going to explode from the pressure that had built up inside of me. And then, just like that, everything was over. All was calm.

I snuggled up beside my angel, kissing her, caressing her, and showing her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me.

Then somewhere all went to darkness.

But it only lasted a moment. I was awake now.

And I was in pain. I was heartbroken in tears. I felt the pain as tiny razor blades slicing through every single vein in my body over and over again as I tried to regain focus. I think I knew it was all a dream before I even finished it. There was a sense of disconnect to it all, as if this was not really happening to me. But it was perfect. That was also it. The thing was too perfect.

I’d just made the most epic love to the woman of my dreams, the woman I wanted for eternity by my side, and she was not really there. It had all been a damn dream.

“NO!” I yelled in my dark room. I was breaking down then. I was losing control and I had nothing to help me. There was nothing in the world that could heal this sort of heartbreak. I felt like my love had been taken from me suddenly. It was almost, not quite, but almost as bad as if I’d lost her in a tragic accident. One minute she was here and we were happy; the next minute she was gone forever.

Except, I still knew she was alive. As far as I knew, she was just fine. I had no way of knowing this for sure about her anymore because it had been almost a month, but I had been pretty certain that Shelly was fine.

But I wondered how fine she was. I mean, was she at least hurting the way that I was hurting? Was she wishing that she was back with me? Did she think she might have made the worst mistake of her life? Or was she riding off into the sunset having a blast and not giving me a second thought?

I doubted that the latter was true. But I had no way of knowing how she felt or how she was doing. I was lost without her and I would stay lost until I knew what happened to her. No matter what, I had to find her. I had to talk to Shelly. She owed me an explanation at least. You didn’t just do this to someone that you loved. You did not shut them out and just take off. That was not right.

I resolved within myself right then that I would not rest until I found Shelly and I got the answers I needed. There wasn’t any way I could truly function until I did. This was not the way my life was supposed to turn out. It was affecting my job performance and it was affecting both my mental and physical health.

If I found nothing, then I found nothing. But at least I was going to have the peace of mind in knowing that I tried.

I got up and got a drink of water. I tried to go back to sleep, but it just wasn’t happening, so I fired up the laptop and went about searching for ways that I could find someone who didn’t want to be found. With the internet nowadays, it was logical that you could find someone regardless of whether they wanted to be found or not. It was almost impossible to hide.

That’s what I was counting on anyway. I would find Shelly and I would make her talk to me. There had to be something that had driven her away, something beyond her control. I knew her better than that. She would not have left that way without a good reason. And while at times it was easier to say that she just decided to leave because she wanted to and that she didn’t care about me, at the same time I did not really believe that.

I knew Shelly.

And come hell or high water, I was going to find her.

Chapter Twenty


Three years later…