But now for the first time in a long time, I had hope. I knew that no matter what happened in the world that Gary and I had each other, and that love between us would only grow stronger with time. I was having difficulty visioning a time in my future where I did not see Gary beside me. I just didn’t think that was going to ever happen. We were one, he and I, and it felt miraculous.

“It’s amazing how you can see so far in every direction from up here,” Gary said as we reached the top.

“Yeah,” I said. “It is pretty incredible, isn’t it? Just imagine being a bird and taking flight right here and now. I would love to have that freedom. That’s something people take for granted. A bird riding high on the wind has nothing in the world to worry about. There is nothing up there that can harm you. When I was a kid, I used to dream about flying.”

“I think most kids do, right?” Gary asked. “I used to dream about being Superman and flying high to keep up with the things that were going wrong in the world. I would be able to solve them all. I would take care of all the problems, all of the sadness, and all of the pain.”

“That’s pretty noble,” I said. “I would dream about flying above everyone so that I could feel like I belonged wherever I went. I was there, but I was so high above that no one really noticed me. I’ve lived my life that way quite a bit. I think it’s time I stopped flying so high above.”

“I agree,” Gary said.

He kissed me gently on the lips right then and rubbed my shoulders.

When we got home from the carnival, I was feeling a bit tired, but I didn’t want to go to sleep. The evening had been wonderful and I didn’t want anything to stop that. After the Ferris wheel, we rode a few more rides, and played several more games. Then we decided to call it a night. The drive back home had been relaxing and quiet, with some soothing music on the radio. I almost dozed off twice, but I held on.

“Wine?” Gary asked when we arrived at his place.

“Sure,” I said, even though I was sure that the wine would only increase my drowsiness. I had a feeling Gary was going to drink some regardless and it was no fun to drink alone. There was an innate desire between us to always be at the same level of sobriety or inebriation. That was an unspoken rule.

He filled a glass and handed it to me. I took a sip and sat down on the couch. My legs were so heavy that I felt I had just run my first marathon. I wasn’t sure why I was so tired. I think the stress of everything was starting to get to me.

“So, what would you do if we were called into the Chief’s office tomorrow?” I asked.

“About what?” Gary toyed with me.

I smiled. “You know about what? If the Chief told us that he knew about us and that we were both out of a job. What would you say?”

“I’d try to convince him he was wrong, but if that didn’t work I’d tell him to kiss my ass.”

“Really? You’d tell him off?”

“I’d love to tell him off. If he is willing to get rid of the best fireman he has over something like that, then he is not worth a damn to me. And I would probably slug him for firing you.”

“Wouldn’t you go to jail?”

He shook his head. “No. The Chief would never allow that sort of thing to get out. Calling the cops would be too much of a wussy move.”

“Men and their macho egos,” I said with a grin.

“What? Women are just as egomaniacal,” he replied. “Women just can’t stand to be obvious about anything. Guys are more transparent.”

I laughed. He had a point there.

Gary was staring at my pants. He had an odd look on his face. I glanced down and saw nothing. Then I met his gaze. He was still staring at me.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“I just can’t help noticing that you look very uncomfortable in those pants.”

I smiled at him. “Oh, really? You think I’m uncomfortable? Well, what if I am? It’s too much effort to take them off right now.”

“I believe I can help with that,” Gary said.

He sat his glass on the table and then knelt down on the floor where he crawled out towards me. I watched him inching towards me with a hungry look in his eyes that was turning me on like crazy. He could always get me going with as little as a look. That was amazing to me.

Gary unfastened my jeans and began to slide them down my legs slowly. When he reached my ankles, he untied my sneakers and eased them off. Then he dropped my pants off my ankles to the floor. I was left with just my panties. His eyes were growing hungrier, even wilder as he reached up towards my underwear.

Gary pulled my panties down and threw them to the floor. I was now bottomless in his apartment. I was already wet and ready. I wanted him badly now. I’d been growing hornier all day. Each time we touched, each time we kissed, raised my thermometer of lust just a little bit more. I was ready for whatever he had in mind.