“Ok,” Shelly said. After a few moments of eating, she smiled at me. “This is really good.” She was finishing up her plate of pasta and now munching on her salad. I loved how she always ate her entrée first. That was classic.

“Thanks,” I said. “I made the pasta myself. It was very painstaking.”

She laughed. “Oh, I’ll bet it was.”

We shared the laugh and I poured us both another glass of wine. Shelly flashed her eyebrows at me. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“No. I’m trying to get us both drunk,” I said honestly.

“Well, pour right on then.”

I poured us both large glasses full of the merlot and then sat the bottle down. “The bottle is from a winery about ten miles outside of town that I go to every so often. It is wonderful actually. They have the purest tasting wine that I’ve ever had.”

“I love it,” Shelly said. “I’ve never been a huge wine fan, but on the right occasion, with the right company, a glass of wine can be the perfect thing.”

“So, did I hear that you used to be a softball champion?” I asked.

Shelly blushed. “Where in the world did you hear that?”

“You know how rumors fly around the unit. Nothing stays secret very long there. I’m not sure how I heard it.”

“Then maybe us pretending to not be a thing is pretty useless,” Shelly said.

I smiled. “Maybe.”

“Yes,” she replied. “I was on a champion softball team in high school and again in college.”

“Nice,” I said. “Do you ever play now? The city is full of some great leagues.”

“Slow pitch? No thanks,” she laughed.

“I play slow pitch,” I replied with an offended grunt.

She giggled. “I’m sorry, but after playing competitive fast pitch for so many years, slow pitch to me just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, how hard can it be?”

“Oh, it has its challenges,” I said. “You should come play with my team sometime.”

“Sure, I might do that,” she said. “Maybe I’ll bat left handed, to give the other team a fighting chance.”

“No, we don’t play to be merciful,” I said seriously.

Shelly threw her head back and chuckled. I loved to listen to this woman laugh and I could tell the wine was loosening her up a bit. We were both so tense from work and from hiding the truth about our relationship that we were really just ready to unwind and cut loose.

After we finished dinner, I quickly cleaned up everything. Then I poured the last of the wine into our glasses. “Wow, I’m not sure how much more I can handle. You might have to carry me to bed. I’m not usually such a heavy drinker.”

“Ah, the plight of the lightweight,” I teased her.

She hit me playfully on the arm.

I stood up then and reached for her hand. A good song was playing in the background and I could see how turned on Shelly was at the moment. She was getting that sexy, horny look in her eyes that signaled to me it was time for us to take our encounter to the next level. And I knew that we were both more than ready to make that leap.

I blew out the candles in anticipation.

“May I have this dance?” I asked.

“Oh, why yes, you may,” Shelly said.

I took her hand and led her to the middle of the living room floor. She immediately snuggled her body up close to mine. It felt amazing. Her soft warmth, the beauty in of her eyes staring into mine, the sweet smells of her succulent scent wafting into my nostrils as I held her closely to me. All of it was turning me on like crazy.