“Gary? What are you doing here?” I asked. He was violating the rules by being there. What if someone had seen him follow me? This was too risky.

Gary pulled an object out of his pocket. He was holding my phone. Shit. I hadn’t even noticed that I lost it.

“You dropped this during that little scuffle back there,” Gary said.

“Oh, thanks,” I said. “I would have been looking for that.”

“No problem,” Gary said. “Are you alright?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine. I’ll survive.”

I did a little dance to indicate the line from the famous disco song.

Gary laughed. “Glad to hear it.”

“What do you think will happen to them?”

“Knowing our chief? They will be gone.”

“Even Max?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me,” He said. “He might get off lucky with a suspension due to his seniority, but the company does not tolerate crap like this at all.”

“I guess I can see that,” I said. “What were they fighting about?”

Gary shrugged. “I’m not sure. I really have no idea.”

“Well, I hope it was worth it for them,” I said.

“I doubt it,” Gary replied.

“Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? I was just about to make myself some,” I said. “I hope you don’t mind instant.”

Gary smiled. “Instant will be just fine,” he said.

It was a mistake to invite him in, but once again I found my mouth acting without any permission from my brain. And this was leading somewhere I knew it would not be right to go. But I couldn’t help myself. What was it about this man that drove me so wild that I acted without any other thoughts other than the desperate need for his touch? I grabbed a few coffee mugs from the kitchen cupboard, and then I started up my electric kettle that was already full of water. As I watched it heating up and listened to the silence in the air, I began to feel so turned on I couldn’t stand it. I was there, in my apartment, in a confined space with perhaps the sexiest man I’d ever known.

And he was standing right behind me now. I didn’t want to turn around. I didn’t want to face him because I knew that the second I did all rational thought would go right out the window. I would be lost in his eyes, his essence, and his spirit that would envelop me completely. But it was so hard to resist. I knew it was going to happen one way or another. Why did I continue to fight it? I hadn’t come to Chicago looking for this. In fact, I’d been trying to avoid anything of the sort. I wanted to start over. I wanted to heal.

But I was starting to see that this was the healing I was so anxiously seeking. And I was ready to be healed inside and out.

“Today was hard,” Gary said. His voice was low and deep, a slow, deliberate rumble right behind me. He was close to me, but not too close. I could have leaned back against his massive chest and felt his warm, strong arms wrap around me if I wanted to, but I didn’t. I held myself firm. I stood strong and watched the water starting to boil.

Gary continued to speak. “I must have bit my tongue a hundred times as I eyed you. I know we’ve agreed to remain just friends and to make sure that nothing romantic ever happens again, but I feel I would be a bad friend if I didn’t let you know what was in my heart.”

Those words entered my ears slowly and rang out within me. I felt my whole body tingling under the weight of his sweet sentences. I knew how he felt. I had been screaming and broadcasting those same thoughts and feelings out of my body since the day I met this man. I was incapable of saying no to him. And I believed it was now time to take that as a sign.

It was time to stop resisting. It was time to start embracing.

I turned around just then. Gary looked into my eyes deeply, his gaze shifting from my eyes to my lips and back again. The tension between us was thick. It was painful to wait through. I had no choice but to cut through that distance and just be there with him. Enough of this madness. I could no longer take it.

I rushed Gary and wrapped my arms around his neck. He read my movement and caught me, placing his lips hard against mine. Instantly my brain was alight with the synapses buzzing at the speed of light. I felt nothing but pure delight and total pleasure in that moment. Yes, this was what I needed right now. This was what I needed always. I would never forget this. I would never fight this again. I couldn’t. It was hopeless. I was helpless to resist it.

Gary’s tongue pressed into my mouth and I swallowed it down my throat as far as I could. I sucked and sucked harder as I held onto his succulence with my teeth, my lips gnashing and writhing back and forth across his in a fury full of passion and total release.

His hands were around my waist now. He pulled me in closer to him, pressing me against his chest, almost smashing my large breasts. He pulled his tongue back and licked hard across my lips, dragging it slowly against my flesh and finishing on my cheek as his hands worked their magic around my waist. It took me a moment to realize that Gary had reached back to the front and undone my pants completely. They were now falling off my hips. All it took was a snug jerk from him and off they went.

Gary spun me around quickly and yanked my panties down, almost ripping them to shreds.