I took a long, deep breath as I pushed my hardness into her repeatedly, moving slowly at first, but then growing more extreme with each passing second. “Oh, fuck…”I moaned. “This feels so… good…”

My grunts were punctuating each of my thrusts as I began to pulsate harder into her, rocking my hips back and forth. My eyes kept rolling up inside of my head as if the experience was just proving to be almost too much for me.

Shelly reached up and grabbed me behind the neck. She brought me down to her and kissed me hard, violently almost on the mouth. Her tongue pulverized itself into my mouth and began dancing and twisting back and forth against my own tongue. It felt so good, adding another layer of passion to this moment. I kissed her back hard as I began to pound her pussy harder and harder with my stiff cock. I was so thick, so large inside of her that it had created almost a vacuum seal between us. She wanted me to give her more. I could tell as her body signals produced this riveting demand from me. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I was really starting to feel like my head was about to fall to the wayside and my whole body was going to shut down. There was only so much bliss a man could take. I was fading fast, but determined to stick it out. I had a feeling the keys to total paradise were right on the other side of this sweet pleasure.

I pulled back a little bit and held out my tongue for her to come and get it. She giggled and then enveloped my tongue with her mouth, sucking hard on it, just as she had sucked so beautifully hard on my prick a little while ago. Yes, this was all I wanted in life. This was it. I had found the most pleasurable, meaningful, and fulfilling thing in this life, and it was all about Shelly. I lov

ed her so much. She was my heart and soul. I wanted her to know how much she meant to me.

Overcome with the joy and the passion, I verbalized my feelings to her as I continued to thrust my hard prick into her. “I love you,” I said. “I love you so much.”

Shelly paused a moment. Her breathing became less heavy as if she was in shock from what I’d just said. I thought I might have made a mistake at first, but suddenly, I knew that she felt the same way. I saw that sweet smile move its way across her beautiful face. “I love you, too.”

I kissed her hard right then. Hearing those words was enough to make me come hard in my mind, body, and soul. I felt the orgasm building through me. I was ready.

The climax tore out of my body just then with an epic magnitude rocking my entire world. “Yes!” I groaned loudly as my body continued to pump my luscious, hot seed into her waiting pussy. She was so tight and so wet. I could tell she was on the verge, too.

Shelly kissed me hard on the lips and wrapped her legs strongly around my torso to hold on. I was pumping her so hard right then. I couldn’t hold it back. My body was in control of me and the orgasm would not be stopped or reasoned with. I emptied myself hard into her and with every single epic thrust of my masculine energy, Shelly smiled a bit more widely.

Then the she began to moan loudly in my ear. I could tell by the sound that she was ready to enjoy her own climax. It was happening. I was finishing the last bits of my own release and my body was feeling almost fragile right then. I wanted to stop. I wanted to relax and come back to a normal state of being. I felt as if I’d left my body and I was doing my best to come back to it, but this wasn’t happening yet. I had some more work to do.

“Shit!” Shelly exclaimed as she came hard all over my hard cock. I was deep within her now, holding my pose, holding that last thrust as she bucked her hips wildly against me. I held on for as long as I possibly could before collapsing to the bed in exhaustion.

We both lay there for several minutes not saying a word. Our bodies were spent. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I tried to relax and come back to a more present state of being. This was the most amazing time in my life. I’d never known that I could be so fully encompassed in someone. I wanted her so badly that I could hardly breathe properly when she was no longer with me. Sex with her was far beyond mere physical pleasure. There were so many emotions wrapped up in it that I could hardly think straight when I was making love to her. It was all about feelings.

“Did you mean it?” Shelly asked me.

I turned to her. I believed I knew what she was asking me. “Did I mean what?”

“That you love me,” Shelly replied.

I touched her face gently with my finger, caressing her sweet beauty. “Yes,” I said. “Absolutely.”

“Me too,” she replied. I kissed her and brought her closer in my arms.

Chapter Fourteen


“Ah! That game is rigged! I’m convinced of it!” I yelled as I walked away from the basketball toss.

“You’re right,” Gary said. “You know these games are all rigged. I’m not sure why people play them.”

“If you know they are rigged, then why didn’t you warn me?” I teased.

“Because I enjoy watching you play and I was hoping you might get lucky.”

“Well, thanks,” I said. “But how was that game rigged exactly? And how do you know so much about it?”

“I saw a show once about this sort of thing. It was eye opening. I’m not sure you noticed, but when the girl at the booth was setting things up for your game, she shot a ball in to show you how easy it was. Then she gave you a ball. Well, when she shot her ball, there was already a ball in there. It helped keep the ball in the net, but when you went that wasn’t there. So the net is rigged to bounce balls out of it. It is made with a special type of material. None of these carnival games are fair. They are designed to separate you from your money. And to make sure that you don’t win any cute stuffed animals for me.”

I laughed and hit him playfully on the arm. “Why didn’t you warn me? And why am I winning stuff for you? Aren’t you supposed to win stuff for me?”

“Isn’t that old fashioned thinking?” Gary teased.

I laughed. “No. I still want stuffed animals won for me. I am old fashioned.”

“Alright, then I now know,” Gary said.