“That’s doable,” Tessa said. “That would have been interesting at least. You come back here and give me nothing. What a shame.”
I’d just come back from a coffee date with Jeremy. I wasn’t sure exactly why I had even agreed to it, but for some reason after giving the matter some serious thought and gaining control of some of my leftover anger, I decided it couldn’t hurt to meet with the guy and see where he was really at and if there was any hint of the old chemistry between us. It turned out to be almost nonexistent. We had a decent time and some good conversation, but there was nothing of the romantic spark that had once been there. I wasn’t sure if it was because deep down I still held a lot of anger towards him about the way things had ended, or if it was just not there for us anymore.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” I said. “We just aren’t those people anymore.”
“I see how you are. You’ve already moved on to someone else in your mind.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Well, your employer, Ricky. I haven’t heard you mention much about him lately. How hot is he making you?” Tessa giggled.
I tried to ignore it, but the blush came giving away the tell. “There isn’t much to tell. I’ve worked for him for almost a week now, and we don’t really see each other that often.”
“Aren’t you still eating with them and putting Zoe to bed?” Tessa asked.
“Yes,” I replied.
“Well, it sounds almost like you have a relationship already. It sounds like co-parenting, really.”
“It is not like that. Besides, my feelings for Ricky are being kept under wraps.”
“Has he given you any inclination that he wants you?”
“No. He has said nothing inappropriate, which that would totally be. He’s a good guy. He is a gentleman and I don’t think he would ever step over that line.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t just come out and say anything, but have you noticed anything subliminally?”
“What? If it’s subliminal then how am I supposed to consciously notice it?”
“I don’t mean it that way,” Tessa said. I was annoying her. It was fun. “I mean, has he given you any nonverbal signals at all? Any signs? I know your eyes are wide open to this. Don’t pretend for a second that they are not.”
“No,” I said. “I haven’t really noticed anything.”
Tessa was staring me down, looking right into my eyes. She could tell when I was not being fully honest with myself or with her. I tried to keep my face straight for as long as I could, but eventually she won out and I started laughing.
Tessa clapped her hands together. “I knew it! Details, details!”
I sighed.
She was not going to let this go. “Fine. I noticed that he occasionally holds eye contact a bit too long, he stands a little close to me sometimes, and I ever so often catch him watching me. When I catch him, he quickly diverts his gaze—like, a bit too quickly, you know?”
“I do know. That man is interested in you. He has a huge thing for you and he probably also has a huge thing in his pants for you.”
“You are being vulgar,” I said.
“You are being a prude. I know you aren’t that old of a soul,” Tessa said. Her eyes suddenly lit up. “We should do a big google search on him.”
“No, I don’t want to. Besides, didn’t you already do that?”
“Please, we barely scratched the surface. That was mostly just to discover that he is fine as hell. But if you are going to seduce him, then you are going to need to arm yourself with the knowledge. You have to learn as much about who he is and what makes him tick as you can.”
“This is crazy. Besides, if he is already interested, then isn’t that enough?” I was hoping she would just drop the whole thing. I did not want to do any of this.
Tessa replied. “We are doing this.”
Tessa grabbed the laptop and began searching. It was only a few minutes before she discovered a few social media sites for Ricky. After a few minutes of perusing the sites, Tessa seemed disappointed. “Wow, this guy hardly uses these accounts. It makes me wonder if someone else actually set them up for him.”