Page 32 of Obsessed

When I reached out for him, his hand grasped mine, giving it a good squeeze. The simplest of gestures, and yet it made such a huge difference. In that moment, I was endlessly grateful that Peter was with me. And for the first time in days, I felt truly safe.

Chapter Ten


I hear the shower door close and the tell-tale burst of water. Once I’m certain Emily won’t be walking into the kitchen again, I pick up my phone and reopen the email. Ross sent it through last night and although this is the fourth time I’m reading it, the feeling of dread that steals up my spine isn’t any lesser.

Hey, Chief,

Quick update:

Forensics on McAfee’s apartment came back. No matches in database. (That was a long shot anyway.)

No sign of the Reed kid at given address or at the school. Checked with admin—he’s missed all his classes this week.

We got a few hits on the BOLO issued for the Mazda. All have both tail lights intact, none registered to Reed.

This kid is laying low, Chief. He likely knows we’re onto him.

You know what that means….

I kill my mailing app and toss my phone onto the kitchen counter. The knot in the pit of my stomach gives an angry churn, and the taste of bile rises into my mouth. As far as dead-ends go, this update from Ross is a shining example of the worst kind.

And I can’t have Emily find out about it. I promised I would keep her safe, that I’d get this guy. If she had any idea how badly the investigation was going—

“Penny for your thoughts.” Emily appears at my side out of thin air and wraps her arms around me.

She’s wearing a towel and nothing else, her wet hair seeping into my uniform shirt where she’s resting her head on my shoulder.

“Just a penny?” I turn to face her and plant a kiss on her damp forehead. “I tell you what, if you sweeten the deal, I might be in the mood to share.”

“Oh, yeah?” Her eyes light up with that playful glint I’ve come to know so well. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

She’s so adorable when she gets all flirty like this. It kills me to have to turn her down.

“It doesn’t matter what I have in mind,” I say with a sigh, and pull out of her arms. “I have a day from hell, and if I don’t get started now, it’ll never end.”

Emily pouts. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” She takes my hand and guides it under the flap of her towel.

The skin underneath it is unbearably soft and warm.

“Oh, that’s not fair.” I dig my fingers into the sumptuous flesh on her hip and pull her toward me. “You’re not playing fair at all.” I kiss her then, savoring the minty fresh taste of her.

I must be losing my mind. Because there’s no place I’d rather be than here with her, and yet I break the kiss. She gives a disappointed groan, but I quickly busy myself getting my stuff together so that I don’t have to deal with it.

“What’s a few minutes?” she says, following me as I grab my phone and go through to the living room for my wallet and keys.

“Emily, you know I would if I could. But—” I take a breath, and that’s all the time I need to make the decision to lie to her “—there’s a lead I have to follow up.”

Her face changes to one of open surprise. I feel like complete dog shit.

“What lead? Peter, why didn’t you just tell me? What did they find? Is he—”

“I only just heard,” I say, falling into another lie. “Ross didn’t give me much detail, but I’m going to meet up with him now and we’ll take it from there.” And another.

A look of sheer relief washes over her, and she beams at me. “I have to admit I feel a lot better hearing that. It’s been days and nothing. I was beginning to think I was doomed to live my life on the run.”

“Yeah, well, that’s how these things go,” I say with a shrug and go to leave. “Oh, and please remember—”