Page 66 of Obsessed

“But who else would?”

“It’s true that Liam has the means and the motive to send Samuel after Malcolm,” Noah said. He looked deep in thought, his forehead wrinkling with lines of determination and contemplation.

Liam Hawthorne could be called my rival in the business. There were two large gangs that ran the streets of Los Angeles when it came to drugs. He led one of them, and I led the other.

I had known for a while that Liam was tired of the competition, and of the ways that I kept his gang in check, but I hadn’t thought he would resort to hiring a hitman this quickly. After all, I had my Four, the friends that were with me now, and they wouldn’t just let the gang go to ruins if I was shot and killed.

No, I’d reckon if I was, Liam would have more to contend with than he had bargained for.

“The issue right now is not if it’s Liam sending Kline after me,” I said. “The issue is that Samuel is going to try to kill me. Unfortunately for him, we know what’s going on, so we have the advantage. So right now, we need to figure out what we want to do about it.”

“Now, we don’t have much information about him,” Gilles said. “We know he started as a hitman to provide for his family. He had a wife, dead now, and still has a daughter. As far as I know, she has no idea what her father does for a living.”

“Let’s keep her out of it then,” Noah said. “I would hate to drag an innocent person into this, even if she is his daughter.”

“Agreed,” I said.

“Can we kill him?” Misha asked.

“That would seem like the most logical solution,” Noah responded.

“Or we could get him shipped out somewhere overseas,” Leroi suggested.

“How in the hell would you make that happen?” Noah asked.

Leroi shrugged in response. “I don’t know. That’s for you to figure out.”

“So we kill him.” Misha took a long drink of his coffee.

I nodded. “It seems like our only option.”

“Hey!” Leroi said at the same time that Gilles tapped my arm, fear in his dark brown eyes.

“Gilles, what is it?” I asked in a whisper.

“He’s here, right now,” he said, pointing to a pair of figures walking up the street towards us.

It was Samuel, and his daughter Aurora.

They were talking together and laughing. The two of them were clearly close, from the way Aurora leaned in. The trusting look in her eyes killed me. She had no idea how bad of a man her father was. It made me want to tell her the truth.


I hadn’t been counting on this. I was terribly attracted to her. She was the kind of beautiful that people wrote poems and songs about. She had dark wavy hair that went to her collar bone, and the most enchanting green eyes I had ever seen. Her figure was short and curvy, and she was built in a way that reminded me of the muses of ancient Rome.

Truly a woman to inspire art. Or war.

“We should take care of it now, while we have the chance,” Misha said, interrupting my thoughts as the pair were seated by one of the wait staff.

They hadn’t seemed to notice us, and I couldn’t help but agree that now could very well be the most opportune time.

“I can make it quick, quiet, just like you like it,” Misha added, eyeing the pair as if he was already calculating the shot he would take to finish it.

“No, we can’t do this now,” Noah said. “Not with his daughter here. She’s innocent.”

“I’m not going to shoot her,” Misha said with a shrug as if that was the problem.

Noah glared at him. “That’s not what I’m worried about. Can you imagine how traumatizing it would be, to have her father die in front of her?”