Page 48 of Obsessed

“It won’t work,” she says. “After the texts stopped, I tried calling the number but it was dead.”

“Motherfucker.” I beat my fist on my desk, making the stationary rattle.

He must have destroyed the SIM card. It’s likely he has several more now that he’s gotten his filthy hands on Emily’s number. He’ll be virtually impossible to trace this way, but he already knows that. Damn, this guy is definitely smart enough for the messed up hobby he’s picked out.

I take a deep breath, massaging my temples, and then say, “So, what was he saying in the messages? Did he threaten you at all?”

She’s quiet for a moment. I can hear her breathing, and it’s almost like I can hear her thinking on the other end of the line. She’s considering whether to tell me something or not, I just know it.

“Emily, tell me.”

There’s a pause that seems to last forever.

Then she speaks, her voice filled with fear. “He was saying crazy things. That he’s the only one who should be with me. That he knows we’re meeting my mom today, and if you show up there, he—he’s going to hurt you.” Her voice trembles at the end, and I can tell she’s fighting back tears.

A heavy sigh escapes me. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

“Peter, he said that he’s the only one I should be taking to meet her and that he’ll know if you’re there.”


I know Emily well enough to know exactly where she’s heading with this. But I’ll be damned if I let some psycho loser waltz in and destroy my family. That’s how I think of her now. And with the baby on the way, I have even more reason to fight for this new life of ours.

“Listen, Emily, this guy is clearly out of his mind.”

“I’m scared. What if—”

“No, don’t let him get to you. You have to think of the baby, okay? Let me worry about Trevor.”

For a moment I consider keeping quiet about the lead on the car, but then I remember the huge fight we had in that hotel room.

“Besides, there’s a good chance we’re picking him up today. We finally have a lead on what his location might be.”

“What?” She sounds hesitant to believe it. We’ve been trying to break this case for so long, I don’t blame her.

“Yeah, trust me on this. It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m canceling with Mom today. We can postpone until you have him in custody.”

“Emily, no,” I say, my tone taking on a stern edge I haven’t used with her before. “You said it yourself. You’re tired of having your life dictated by this maniac. We shouldn’t let him ruin this special time for us.”

“But, Peter—”

“You’ll be safe. I’ll be there and we’ll have Ted for backup. I don’t think he’ll show his face, though. He has other business to attend to in Stonybrook.”

“Stonybrook? What are you talking about?”

I smile to myself. Not even these stupid text messages can upset the day I’m having today. Everything is finally falling into place, and this guy is going to get what’s coming to


“Nothing,” I say to her. “It’s handled, that’s all you need to know. Now, what have you decided about lunch?”

“Fine,” she says. She doesn’t sound too happy about my take on things, but at least she’s going along with it. “Mom’s meeting us at Coppersmith in thirty minutes.”

I scoff. “You’re taking your mother for a food truck lunch? Sweetie, we’re supposed to be easing her into this, not upsetting her even more.”

Emily laughs softly. The sound of it is empty, and I know it’s because of these texts. She’s still worried.