In a second, the screen fills up with various images of cars. I lean over to have a closer look.
“These are the most popular models on the market right now,” he says. “See anything familiar?”
I bite down on my bottom lip as several images scroll by. There’s no denying the pressure I’m suddenly feeling. I wasn’t really paying attention yesterday. I mean, it was Trevor. All I was thinking about was making a quick getaway. And by the time I realized anything was up, he was gone. Also, I’ve never been great with car stuff in general. I know how to start one, drive it, and park it.
“Anything?” Peter says, nudging me out of my head again.
“Um, it could be, uh, this one,” I say, pointing to one of the pictures.
But I can’t be sure if the car is ringing a bell with me because it’s blue, the color of Trevor’s car, or if it’s the same model.
I don’t mention this to Peter. Something tells me that now isn’t a good time to go down that road with him.
He clicks on the image to enlarge it. “The Mazda 2. That’s good.”
“It is?” I try not to sound too surprised.
“Yes. It’s fairly new. The first ones came out just a few years ago. Which means my guys won’t have to go through decades of sales records.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
He closes the laptop and turns his full attention to me. “Well, I got a call this morning saying they got a match for a Trevor Reed registered at UMass.”
“Are they going to pick him up?” My excitement is evident, but only for a second, because Peter shakes his head.
“We don’t have enough evidence yet. But,” he brings his hand up to stroke my cheek, “we do have a home address. That’s something.”
“Okay.” I place a soft kiss to his palm before taking his hand in mine.
It feels so normal to be sitting in bed with him like this, talking and touching. But I know that’s only half true. Because the topic of our conversation is the most abnormal thing. The circumstances that brought Peter and I together again after all these years are definitely not normal. It weighs over us like this heavy, black cloud, and now more than ever do I just want it to be over so that I can experience what being normal with Peter feels like. I have a sneaking suspicion that it’ll be beautiful.
“So, Ross will head up surveillance starting today,” Peter says, “and I’ll call this description through in a minute.”
“They’re going to just watch him?” The idea that Trevor is still out there, going about his creeper ways freaks me out.
“It’s our best option right now. According to the evidence, this guy hasn’t done anything wrong.”
“I know how you feel, but who knows? We could get lucky running his plates. If there are any misdemeanors against his name, it’ll give us an excuse to bring him in.”
“That’s it?” My heart sinks. It doesn’t sound like much of a plan. “What if you find nothing? What if he hurts someone else during all this waiting?”
Peter leans forward to place the laptop at the foot end of the bed, then takes me in his arms. I pull up my knees and snuggle into his chest. Hearing his steady heartbeat right there calms me down instantly.
“I know this might seem like a lot to ask, mostly because you have no reason to do it, but I need you to trust me, Emily.”
I look up at him then, because I need him to see how much I mean it when I say, “I trust you, Peter. I always have.”
He lowers his head to mine, and I instinctively close my eyes in sweet anticipation of what I know is coming. He’s so close I can feel his lips gently grazing mine, which immediately sets them on fire. I part my lips for him.
“You need a shower.”
My eyes fly open, and I can’t believe it, but I’m seeing that signature Peter grin again.
“And some toothpaste, too,” he says, his shoulders shaking with the way he’s laughing.
“Ugh, you’re the worst.” I begin pelting him with every available pillow on the bed.