“It’s not supposed to rain for a couple of days, but I’ll check it out first thing in the morning. I’d do it tonight, but I’m worried I’d miss something in the dark.”
She nods.
This is all we have. A professional relationship. She has no reason to want to be my family, or even my friend. I’m a shit friend, anyway.
“I should head back,” she says.
I hold up a hand. “To your apartment?” I don’t say, the scene of the crime.
She blinks. “Where else would I go? It’s where I live.”
I shake my head. “It isn’t safe. Whoever this sicko is, he knows you live there.” I could pay for her to stay in a hotel room or insist that she call a friend, but the words that actually come out of my mouth are: “Why don’t you crash at my place?”
Her mouth falls open, then she snaps it shut. “Your place?”
I shouldn’t have said it. It was a bad idea. “You don’t have to. We can—”
“No! I mean, yes. I want to stay at your place.” Her face turns scarlet.
“Great. Well. I just have to finish up a few things and then I can drive you over.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She smiles at me and the entire room lights up.
Why did I invite her over? Am I out of my mind? Worse yet, I’m having thoughts about Emily that I really shouldn’t be having. Thoughts about what her breasts would feel like against me without any clothes….
But whatever my thoughts or feelings, I can’t let her go back to her apartment. She’s Emily. I need her to be safe.
I rush through the rest of the work I needed to get done. I don’t want Emily to have to sit and wait for too long. She spends her time alternating between being on her phone and watching me work. At one point, she mentions texting a friend to let them know she’s safe. I’m glad she has friends who care about her like that.
For the first time in I can’t remember how long, I’m eager to get home. Miracle of miracles, I even delegate a few tasks instead of obsessively doing them myself.
With everything to the point that it’ll hold until morning, I pack up.
“What’s your place like?” Emily asks as we leave.
I shrug. “Bare. I spend most of my time at work.”
She gives me a worried frown. “You’re not overworking yourself, are you? You were always so focused. Never knew when to let off the gas.”
“I’m okay,” I reply vaguely. I can’t dump all my troubles on her now, after not seeing her for so long.
My apartment is only a short drive away. I specifically chose it so I’d have as short a drive as possible. It’s especially great when I leave the station way after midnight so I don’t have to go far before I can crash into my four hours of sleep.
We roll into the parking lot of my apartment building together. It’s a high-end building with a sleek modern design to it. I spend a fortune on rent, but it’s worth it on the rare occasion I’m not working. It has a great gym right in the building, and the bare brick walls in my apartment make my place look stylishly minimalistic rather than hopelessly barren.
Emily’s eyebrows climb as she takes it in. “Wow. Being chief of police must pay well.”
“It has its perks.” I grin at her and she smiles back. That smile socks me right in the gut. She’s gorgeous. I lean closer to her as if she has her own field of gravity drawing me in. I’m helpless against it.
Her hand curls around the door handle and I snap back to my senses. What am I doing? This is Emily. I can’t be thinking about her like this. I definitely can’t be thinking about wrapping that soft brown hair of hers around my hands and pulling her closer to me.
Would she moan if I slid my tongue into her mouth?
Goddamnit, Peter, get a grip.
I yank open the car door and let the cold night air freeze some sensibility into me.
“Emily,” I mutter under my breath to remind mysel