Page 10 of Obsessed

My jaw tightens. It’s clear that time and distance haven’t affected how protective I am of her. I can’t stand the thought of someone harassing her. She must be terrified. Although all my instincts are telling me to comfort her, I have to be professional.

“Is there anyone you suspect?”

Emily shakes her head. A stray strand of hair falls into her face. I fight the urge to reach out and sweep it back for her. “No. The worst part is at my apartment, he—I—” She takes a deep breath.

I pull up a chair beside her and squeeze her hand. “It’s okay. You’re safe here.”

She nods. “At first I thought I was going crazy. I kept feeling like I was being watched. Then I saw.” She closes her eyes. “He wrote on my window.”

I grit my teeth. This bastard has her terrified. He better hope I’m not the one who finds him first. “I’m going to take care of this,” I say. “I’ll handle it myself. Don’t worry, Emily. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

She gives me a wavering smile. “You have no idea how good that is to hear. I was so worried that no one would listen to me. It all seems so stupid now.”

“It’s not stupid, it’s horrifying. He violated your sense of safety. He’s a bastard, and I’m not going to let him get away with it.”

“Peter.” She reaches out and strokes my cheek. Electricity burns through me at the feel of her. She snatches her hand back and jumps to her feet. “Is this your office?”

“Uh, yes. Sorry about the mess.”

“You’re busy. I understand.” She spins around, taking it in. “Fancy. Why do you get the big office instead of a desk out there?”

“Because I’m the Chief of Police.”

Her eyes widen. “Wow, Peter, that’s amazing. I always knew you were incredible. I’m glad other people have realized it, too.”

God, she’s so…Emily. I want to wrap her in my arms again, but I hold myself back. “So, how about you? What have you been up to?” I ask instead. “Conquered the world yet?”

She blushes. It turns her cheeks a deep shade of pink. “Not quite. I’m in my final year of pre-med at UMass, then on to medical school.”

“So, being a genius, putting other people to shame, the usual.”

She twirls a strand of hair between her fingers. “I don’t know, I don’t feel like a genius. Honestly, I feel like an idiot half the time.”

“Emily, you’re brilliant. At least you were when I was around a decade ago, and by the sound of things, you still are.”

Her eyes meet mine and I feel that fire that sprang to life at her touch between us again. She hastily looks away and studies the walls. “Oh my God, is that us?” She grabs the picture of our family off its hook.

“Yeah, I thought I’d decorate a bit. Make the place my own.” I try to keep my voice light.

Emily is studying the picture intently. “I didn’t even know this picture existed. Oh, I remember that blue shirt you used to wear. We look so young. And our parents….” She lapses into silence.

“How’s your mom?” I ask. I worry I’ve asked the wrong question when she frowns and hangs the picture back on the wall.

“She’s the same. Grouchy. Controlling. She’s paying my way through school, so I guess I can’t complain. Hey, you know I wanted to contact you, right? After you left? I really wanted to call, but Mom wouldn’t give me your number. She wouldn’t even tell me where you’d gone.”

She blinks rapidly and I see a shimmering in her eyes. I really don’t want her to cry again. And I definitely don’t want to be the reason for it.

“I know. You were still a kid. I wouldn’t blame you even if you hadn’t wanted to talk to me. My dad was such an asshole.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not your dad, Peter. You were always wonderful to me. And my mom.” She rubs the back of her neck and looks away.

She hasn’t known me for the past ten years. She can’t possibly judge whether I’ve managed to succeed at being better than my dad or not. Hell, she has no idea that just a couple hours ago I blew off spending time with my best friend in order to work.

I’m glad I decided to come in, though, because I wouldn’t have seen her otherwise.

“When will you swing by to check out the writing?” Emily asks. “I’m worried that if it rains, all the evidence will be destroyed.”