Page 39 of Bite Me

“Thank you for speaking up. I was trying not to make a scene but I knew it was going to happen the moment I heard her say my name.”

Magnus nodded. “She didn't really start things out on a bright note. And, why was she there again?”

“Oh, yeah. That. The planner emailed me for a guest list but it ended up in spam, so Lilly gave her my list from the last party. They had already gone out by the time I found out.”

“I'm sorry,” he murmured, pressing his lips against the top of her head. “I think your hair has been de-crisped. Ready for bed?”

“Yeah,” she said, feeling completely wrung out. “I feel like I could sleep for days.”

“Let's try it out for a night and see where we end up first,” he suggested, smiling.

Grudgingly, Caroline agreed. “Fine.”

Fifteen minutes later, they were settled in bed. Caroline was tucked into his side. “Thank you again for being so understanding,” she said. “I really don't know how I got so lucky.”

“I'm the lucky one,” he answered, brushing his lips against her forehead. “I love you, Caroline. Madly.”

“I love you too, Magnus,” she replied, a warm glow settling over her. It wasn't just because he'd said the right things. It was because she absolutely believed he meant them.

Chapter Thirteen

Magnus watched as Caroline burrowed under the covers and he couldn't help but smile. She seemed so peaceful. He didn't have the heart to wake her because he suspected, after last night's events, her hard won peace would dissolve into thin air.

His smile faded at that though. He didn't consider himself a violent man. Nine times out of ten he found his words could hurt more than fists. He'd been tempted last night though.

Caroline's mother was bloody awful. That type of open cruelty was easy to combat though. It had been her father's indifference that had really pushed his buttons. To let his daughter be spoken to in that way, then to try and pass blame on to her? Caroline had been right. The man was spineless.

Instead of acting on the anger, he fed her and got her a drink. She held on to him like a bloody lifeline. He'd been worried that she was going to fall apart. She hid it fairly well, but he could feel the tension rolling off of her in waves.

Caroline had been inches from a meltdown when Lilly stopped in to check on her. She'd tried to blurt out an apology but Lilly had waved it off and given her a hug. When she'd pulled back, he could see the tears in Caroline's eyes. He'd been quick to intervene, demanding that they go talk to his adoring fans. It was the silliest, most over the top way he could come up with to change the subject. Luckily it had been effective.

Caroline had given him a smirk and made some catty comment about his ego. She'd also held his arm in a death grip and given him a grateful look when Lilly walked away. Honestly, he'd rather her think him a giant egomaniac than watch her cry. Last night had nearly done him in.

As he made his way down to the small conference room where he was supposed to meet the last reporter, he acknowledged that he had a genuine soft spot where she was concerned. It was difficult not to, though. She was one of the most independent, self-reliant people he'd ever met. It was part of the reason he wanted to take care of her so much. He suspected few people had ever bothered.

When he walked through the partially open door, he was startled to see Kathleen Church waiting for him. They'd briefly worked together years ago. She'd been decent on the line but not much of a leader. After being passed over for several promotions, she'd quit on him in the middle of a shift, which had only proved his point. This should be interesting.

“Magnus,” she said, rising from her chair, and extending her hand. “Long time.”

He took it, mystified. “Kathleen. The years have treated you well.”

“You too, but I guess that's to be as expected. Have a seat?”

“You've gone to the dark side, then?” he asked, gesturing to the notebook and tape recorder as he settled in.

She snorted. “The dark side pays much better. Besides, being on the line night after night takes its toll.”

“That it does,” he agreed, glad to see she didn't seem to have any ill will toward him. “So how long have you been doing the writing thing?”

“Oh, a few years now. But, enough about me! We're here to talk about you. And also Caroline

Lundquist. Is she on her way?”

“Unfortunately, she's been held up and sends her apologies. We worked closely on the drink and food pairings. I might be able to give you some insight.”

“Perfect. This is more about the actual product than you guys. I mean, how many times can you possibly answer the question about who your influences are?”

Magnus laughed, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah. I've gotten that one quite a bit over the last few days.”