Page 31 of Bite Me

“This was a great idea,” Caroline said, smiling up at him as they walked toward the restaurant. “Thanks for suggesting it. Both of us are kind of tired after all the walking today. The thought of hiking through Exhibition looking for tacos seemed a little much.”

Magnus relinquished his grip on Caroline's hand and held the door for them. As she passed, he said, “Of course it is, love. Any evening I can spend with two beautiful women is definitely a win, I'd say.”

Beverly gave a derisive snort as she walked past him. “It's getting deep in here. I didn't bring my boots, Magnus.”

“Now, now. Don't fish for compliments. You know you don't look a day over fifty,” he joked.

At Caroline's laugh, Beverly reached up and gave his arm a squeeze. “He's good for my ego, Caroline.”

“And that's what's really important,” Caroline quipped, dryly.

Beverly responded with a raspy laugh, but before she was able to comment further, the hostess greeted them. Once they were seated at the table, Caroline immediately excused herself, leaving them alone at the table.

The silence as she studied him was nearly deafening. Magnus braced himself. He had a feeling he was about to get a talking to.

“My granddaughter seems to really like you, and I understand why. You're a good-looking man. That charming accent doesn't hurt either,” Beverly said bluntly.

Frowning, he noted, “Wow. That doesn't exactly feel like a compliment.”

“It wasn't. Why my granddaughter? Why not someone of your own kind?”

“I'll admit that it would certainly be easier if she were Transfigured or if I weren't. That would have been my first choice, honestly. I didn't exactly have a choice though. The moment I met her, I was drawn to her in a way that I've never been to another person. She's brilliant, beautiful, funny, kind. She's everything I needed that I didn't know I was looking for. I'd be bloody stupid to let her go.”

“There are so many ways that this can fail. She'd have to make so many sacrifices. Living her life in the dark. And what if you had children?” she asked, seeming slightly mollified by his intentions at the very least.

“So this is the portion of the evening where you warn me off?”

Beverly watched him with shrewd eyes. “Would it work if I did warn you off?”

“Not for the reasons you'd think, ma'am,” Magnus said, a pit forming in his stomach. “I know her parents aren't exactly... the most supportive. I've gathered that she considers you more of a mother figure than her own. I don't want to be the cause a rift between you. I've not spoken to anyone in my family for nearly forty years. They essentially checked out on me the moment it was determined I wasn't normal. That's a hell of a lot for anyone to handle. It happened when I was young, so I adapted but, I don't know if she could stand to be a disappointment to you. I'd sooner walk away than let that happen. You mean too much to her.”

“Our relationship isn't without its potential issues but I suspect the sacrifices would be worth it in the end. They wouldn't only be hers. I hope you'll believe me when I tell you that. Beverly, I care for her a great deal.”

Her eyes softening, she asked, “It's hard not to love her, isn't it?”

“Impossible,” he agreed, ignoring the pang in his chest. “I'll be good to her. I promise you.”

“There isn't anyone who deserves it more,” Beverly said, her eyes suspiciously damp. Picking up her menu, she asked, “What would you recommend?”

And just like that, the subject was closed and the tension between them dissipated. Relieved to be back on solid ground again, talking about something he understood, Magnus spoke. “The tacos al pastor are amazing. They marinate the pork with chiles and orange juice. It's a little bit spicy but worth it. If you'd like something less spicy, I'd try the carnitas. Felipe does wonderful things.”

“Felipe? Is he the chef?”

“Owner, too. He used to be one of my line chefs many, ma

ny moons ago.” Magnus answered. “We were working at Le Plat Exquis at the time. His heart wasn't in the whole upscale French cuisine thing, so I was thrilled to see him open this place.”

“Who?” Caroline asked, sliding into the booth next to him.

“Felipe,” he responded. “The owner of this place. Used to be one of my line chefs once upon a time.”

“Small world,” she said, opening her menu. “So what's good?”


Other than laying his soul bare at the dinner table while Caroline was in the loo, the evening went pretty smoothly. After their little talk Beverly warmed up significantly toward him. It turned out that they had similar taste in movies and music. Which wasn't exactly a shock considering that he was actually closer in age to her than Caroline.

He worried that Caroline would grow bored with him. He didn't like to go to clubs. Drinking did nothing for him. Literally. His body metabolized the alcohol too quickly for it to matter. In his downtime he enjoyed relaxing at home. Spacing out to a movie or getting lost in a book was his idea of a good time.