Page 21 of Bite Me

Caroline would have gladly worked doubles for ten days straight to avoid this afternoon. In fact, had it not been her grandmother's birthday she would have happily used work as an excuse. That would have been a cowardly way to handle it though. She would just have to grin and bear the 'afternoon tea' party that her mother had planned.

She slid out of the car and made her way up the walk, straightening the hem of her teal dress. With the nude colored belt around the waist, the matching shoes, and bag, it was sophisticated without being showy. She didn't normally consider herself fashionable. In fact, she hated to shop. She'd been particularly proud of this purchase though.

Her hand poised on the doorknob, Caroline jumped when the front door was suddenly pulled open. She had her hand pressed to her heart, ready to laugh when a man in a dark suit said, “Welcome, Miss. Right this way.”

“Um. I know the way. Thanks, though,” she said, waving him off. Had her mother seriously hired a butler for the party? She couldn't wait to see the look on her grandmother's face when she saw all this nonsense.

“Caroline,” her mother cooed. “So glad you could finally make it. Your grandmother is asking about you.”

Caroline automatically apologized, “Sorry, Mom. I hit a little bit of traffic on the way up.”

Her mother gave a dismissive wave of her hand and eyed her dress. “That's not a flattering color on you, dear. Darker colors make you look less fat. Why did I bother taking you to get your colors done if you were going to wear whatever you wanted anyway?”

Before Caroline could muster a response, her mother flounced out the sliding glass door with a huff. She was on the way to go take it out on someone else, no doubt. Caroline couldn't help the equal parts guilt and relief that flooded her. At least the staff was being paid to take it.

Eventually she realized no one else was in the house so she wandered out into the back yard, her eyes widening the over the top decorations. Her mother had even had a small white tent set up. Caroline saw a server ducking out of the tent and making her way through the side yard. Were they not even allowed in the house?

There were several tables draped in white linen tablecloths. Lace doilies for as far as the eye could see. Fresh cut flowers on each table. A small string quartet played off to the side. Her mother had really gone all out for this.

Caroline continued to scan the yard until she finally saw her grandmother under the awning, fanning herself and drinking some iced tea. “Nana,” she said, her heart warming. If there was one person who truly understood her, it was this woman.

“Caroline, darling,” she said, her face lighting up. “Give me a hug. It's been too long.”

“It has,” she agreed regretfully. When Caroline leaned in she whispered, “She hired a butler?”

Her grandmother let out a hoot and answered, “I've already discussed it with him. We're going to make a break for it at four o'clock whether the festivities have ended or not. You're welcome to come along. He's mine, though. You'll have to get your own!”

Giving her one last squeeze, Caroline giggled and said, “I've actually got that covered, I think.”

Eyebrow arched, her grandmother asked, “Oh really? Please tell me he's better than the last idiot you brought around?”

Caroline flushed. Nana was honest to a fault. Her ex-boyfriend, Lincoln, had been a complete jerk. “A ton better, actually. I think you'll really like him.”

“Why didn't you bring him then? I'm an old woman. I haven't got much time left,” she sighed dramatically, fanning herself and taking another swig of the iced tea.

“Pssh, Nana. You're going to outlive us all. But, um. I didn't bring him along because he doesn't really do the whole 'in the sun' thing.”

Her grandmother blinked incredulously for a moment before she started laughing. “He's Transfigured? Oh my. You'll have to bring him around for dinner one of these evenings if things get more serious. Better yet, let's all go out one evening. We can invite your mother and father along. I'm sure they'll love it.”

Caroline snorted indelicately. “I can picture it now. We can go to that Mexican place and get all you can eat tacos. And a pitcher of margaritas. Then they'd officially be in a waking nightmare. Happy people in a jovial atmosphere, eating ethnic food, drinking tequila along with a Transfigured man who would rather be drinking their utterly disappointing daughter's blood. Mom would have a nervous breakdown.”

Her grandmother made a sound of disgust. “Any life where you don't turn out like her, I consider a rousing success. I still don't know what Jonathan sees in her.”

Waving her hand, Caroline said, “I didn't mean to get all dark on you there, Nana. It's your day. Happy Birthday. Let's talk about something more upbeat.”

“Now I want tacos. We should really do that some evening. We can skip the other part, but we'll go out. You can bring your beau! He likes tacos, right?”

“Beau? Are you dating someone, Caroline? This is the first I'm hearing of it!”

Her grandmother winced in apology.

Caroline turned to see her mother hovering beside them. It was clear that she hadn't heard the blood drinking bit, thankfully. She likely would have gone through the roof immediately. “Yes, Mother. We've only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks though. It's nothing serious.”

“And it will never be anything serious if you keep running around like that, Caroline. Come inside with me before the guests begin to arrive. I might have a girdle that will fit you.”


mother stared pointedly at her stomach until Caroline could feel her face heat up. She opened her mouth to speak but her grandmother cut her off.