Page 20 of Bite Me

“Party?” Magnus asked, scratching a hand over his chest.

“She didn't tell you about… that sneaky woman! She probably told me so I would tell you. Lilly is planning an event to celebrate the launch of the new gin drinks and menu additions. She's going to close down the restaurant for a night. Invite food and drink people.”

“Fuck,” Magnus moaned. “I hate those things. I don't schmooze well.”

“It's a first for me, so I'm kind of looking forward to it,” Caroline said, a little defensively.

“Your first party?”

“No. The first time anyone has ever given a shit about what I do at work. It's kind of nice that she wants to show off my drink menu.”

“These parties are nothing but a pain in the ass,” he grumbled.

“Listen to you,” Caroline admonished, poking a finger into his ribs. “You sound like a cranky old man.”

“It's just a bunch of people who don't know what the hell they're talking about pontificating about your life's work. It's no great thrill. I assure you.”

“That sounded a whole lot like, 'Get off my lawn!' to me, Magnus. Just let me enjoy that random strangers will be celebrating my work. It's never happened before.”

His lips twitched as he said, “Any time you've gotten anyone drunk it's been a celebration of your work, love. I get what you mean though. I'll stop complaining.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“Right now I have a hard time being grouchy about anything,” he commented, dropping his mouth down to press against her shoul

der. “I've got a sexy woman in my bed who isn't going anywhere until morning.”

“I'm going to question your judgment on the sexy comment right now. I'm sticky, sweaty and pretty sure my hair is a hot mess.”

Magnus scrutinized her and said, “You might consider a comb.”

“Jerk,” she complained, her lips twitching. Reaching out, Caroline pinched him in the arm.

“I am a little sweaty now that you mention it. Would you care to accompany me into the shower? No funny business until I get the safety nets installed,” he promised. “Too many hard surfaces.”

“I appreciate it,” she answered dryly. “I definitely wouldn't turn down a shower, though.”

“Then, come along,” he said, rolling to the edge of the bed with a groan. He watched as she followed suit, standing up and stretching her arms over her head with a pleased sigh.

“I think I'm going to have some sore muscles tomorrow.”

“I'm sorry. Did you say something? I got a bit distracted when you started stretching. Christ you're lovely,” he admitted, a wide grin on his face.

She rolled her eyes and smiled indulgently at him.

Ordinarily he would have let it go, but there was something about Caroline's expression that made him take pause. “Don't do that,” he chided softly. “It insults us both. Do I really strike you as the type of man that would bother with platitudes?”

She blinked at him, confusion in her eyes.

Magnus circled the bed and stood in front of her. Tipping her chin up, he forced her to look at him. “I don't know what sort of self-deprecating crap is rolling around in that head of yours, but it has no place here, love. Not when I've had you twice tonight and I already want you again.”

Some unknown emotion flitted across her face, but before he had a chance to decipher it, she pulled his mouth down to hers. Her fingers slid into his hair as she swept her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him until he felt light headed from it and then tore her mouth away from his. “Fuck. Magnus, I need you again.”

Magnus groaned and agreed, “Again,” as he steered her back toward the bed. He had no idea where this overwhelming need had come from. He just knew that it wouldn't be sated any time soon.

Chapter Eight

Caroline smoothed back an escaped wisp of hair from her otherwise sleek ponytail and cursed. Digging through her bag, she fished a bobby pin out, then pinned it back. She gave herself another once-over with the visor mirror then exhaled deeply. It was now or never.