Page 14 of Bite Me

“That doesn't seem like such a bad deal,” Caroline reasoned. “I'm sure there's some things you probably miss, though, right?”

“I don't dream. That's really the big thing that I miss. When I go to sleep, the world just goes dark. I haven't dreamt in almost forty years.”

He didn't even realize she'd reached out again until she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. She considered him for a moment and then said, “It's hard to remember you're almost seventy. You look so young.” A moment later, humor written across her features she added, “I guess it's a good thing I've always liked older men.”

The mood considerably lightened by her comment, he asked, “Always?”

“Well. This is the most extreme case so far.”

“So far?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Does this mean I'm just a stopping over point to your real goal of dating an octogenarian?”

Caroline gave a mock wince and dramatically cried, “You've discovered my secret, Magnus. I never wanted you to find out this way!”

“Well, love. If I'm only being used, then let's not waste time at the table,” he announced, his lips twitching. At her dry look, he added, “I'll give you the grand tour.”

“What about the dishes?” she asked, looking at the several courses of plates currently stacked up on the counter.

“You make an excellent point. That gastrique will be a bloody bear to clean up later. Just have a seat. I'll only be a minute,” he said, gathering the few plates on the table.

Instead of listening, she followed him into the kitchen and began stacking dishes into the dishwasher. Within a few minutes, everything back to rights in his kitchen again, he asked, “Tour?”

“Sure. But, um. I was just wondering. Are you going to actually eat?” she asked, rinsing her hands.

“I ate before you got here,” he admitted. “I didn't really know how you'd feel about it.”

“It doesn't bother me. We've served blood in virtually every bar I've ever worked in.”

“You're a bit rare, then. Most people tend to keep their distance whenever the subject of my food intake comes up.”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking you to pour me a glass or anything, but it's a biological necessity, right?”

He nodded, uncertain where she was headed.

“Then there's not really any reason for me to be upset about it unless you're hurting people.”

Magnus frowned. “I don—”

“If I thought for a second you were, do you think I would be here alone with you? Do you think I would want you like I do?” she asked, interrupting him. Her usual quick grin was missing. In its place, there was an unfamiliar vulnerability.

For all that he enjoyed her sassy attitude, he was certain she'd never been more beautiful than she was in that moment. He tilted her chin up, and lowered his mouth so that it nearly grazed hers. “No. I don't suppose you would.”

Chapter Six

At the first brush of his mouth against hers, Caroline melted against him. She'd been nervous when she arrived, but thankfully the cocktails had relaxed her. She wasn't exactly a virgin, but somehow this felt like uncharted territory to her.

Magnus quickly escalated the kiss, sweeping his tongue across her lips until she parted them. His fingers threaded in her hair as he began to plunder her mouth, no longer holding back. Her arousal slowly hummed to life.

She moaned against his mouth, her hands clutching at his t-shirt as the kiss raged out of control. Where his kisses had been sensual and restrained before, these had a slight edge to them. He seemed to be reminding her with every nibble of his teeth, every sweep of his tongue, that underneath all of that dry wit, he was still a hot-blooded male.

The press of his hand against her upper back felt like a brand against her skin. He had barely touched her but she felt ready to burst into flames. Caroline hadn't ever felt so utterly possessed by a kiss before.

By the time that Magnus backed away, they were both panting for air. He gently rested his forehead against her bare shoulder. “Let's see about that tour,” he commented, slightly winded.

“Only if it ends in your bedroom,” she answered, all previous signs of nerves gone. Caroline had never wanted anyone like she wanted Magnus. And tonight, she would have him.

She felt him freeze against her shoulder, and then lift his head. His eyes blazing, he said, “This is the kitchen.”