Shifting against him to lay her head on his chest, she asked, “So how was your trip?”

Grimacing, he said, “Decent. It was way too hot though, and the flight back sucked. They didn’t have room for me to upgrade to business, so I was stuck next to a crying baby and an annoying old guy who wouldn’t stop talking to me. Seventh level of hell.”

Rubbing her hand over the back of his head, she said, “Well, you’re home now, and you got to sleep in your own bed.”

“And you’re here,” he said, smiling, “which helps. I missed you.”

He looked down at her now, and saw her smile.

“I missed you too. I wasn’t sure if it would be too weird to say it,” she said hesitantly.

Shaking his head, he said, “I don’t know what’s normal, here, to be totally honest.”

Shrugging against him, she said, “Me either. I guess we’ll figure it out as we go. So, I hate to be indelicate here, but I’m kind of dripping all over your couch. I’m gonna go clean up,” Chloe said, scooting off his lap.

Smirking, he said, “By all means.”

He watched her get up, grab her bag, and then move into the guest bath.

Getting up himself now, he slid back into his board shorts and wandered into his bedroom to grab a T-shirt. Picking up the gym bag he’d packed for himself, he slid on his flip-flops and moved back to the living room.

He found her fully dressed now, waiting.

Curious now, he asked, “I’m assuming you had a plan there? No panties or bra?”

Smiling sheepishly, she said, “Yeah. If you hadn’t jumped on me the moment I walked in the door, then I would have jumped on you.”


“Good to know I wasn’t alone there. Ready to get going?”

“Yeah,” she said. “By the way, Deacon wanted to know if we wanted to go out tonight. He and Sara were going to the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. Dinner, then maybe drinks and wandering around.”

“Want to?” he asked.

“Maybe. I’m tempted to skip the beach and spend the rest of the day and night with you in bed. I suppose we could go out and be social, though,” she said.

“That sounds like an excellent plan, actually. Being social is so highly overrated,” he argued as they walked out his front door. He turned now to lock it despite the seriousness of his tone.

Dropping his gym bag to the ground, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. Placing a light kiss on her lips, he said, “But it would be nice to go out tonight. We’ve not actually been on a date, ya know? Just our places and Deacon’s.”

“I hadn’t thought about that, but I guess you’re right,” she said, thoughtfully.

“Wow, I’m easy.”

Chris immediately shot her a “get serious” look and asked, “You don’t really think that, do you?”

Smirking, she shook her head and said, “Hardly. I feel like this has been brewing between us for a little while, looking back on it.”

Nodding in agreement, Chris said, “It has. I am glad you started putting yourself in my way a little bit more.”

Tilting her head, she said, “You noticed that, huh?”

“Inviting yourself out on my boat, prancing around in that bikini. I noticed. The suntan lotion? I thought you were trying to kill me,” he said, smirking at himself now.

“Yeah. Like you weren’t into the idea. I seem to recall you pressing yourself up against me while you helped me drive the boat,” she snorted, making air quotes.

“I do maintain that your driving record is spotty, but yeah. I didn’t mind using that as an excuse to have you pressed up against me,” he said, smiling almost sheepishly now.