She was staring out the huge picture window at the ocean. It was pretty dark, but you could still make out the very edge of the water in the moonlight.

Wrapping his arm around her, he said, “Let’s put our stuff in the room and we can go out there for a bit if you want.”

Turning from the window, she shook her head and said, “Nah. It’s 12:30 a.m. and you’ve got an early meeting. Let’s just go to sleep. We’ve got all weekend.”

Wheeling their respective suitcases, they moved to the bank of elevators and pressed the button. On

ce inside, he swiped the key card and pressed the button for the fourth floor.

She looked at him, and asked, “How’s your knee?”

“Not too bad now. If it wasn’t so late, I’d go use the hot tub, though,” he said.

“Would a massage help?” she asked, wiggling her fingers.

Giving her a speculative glance now, he grinned and said, “I can think of a couple of things it might help.”

Returning his grin, she said, “I bet you can.”

When the elevator doors slid open, she looked at him curiously, not sure which way to go.

Handing her one of the key cards, he said, “Oh. Sorry. We’re in 4014,” as he turned to walk toward the room.

Taking it, she slid it into her purse and followed him.

Once they had reached the room, he slid the key into the door, and opened it. Holding the door, he allowed her to pass, along with her suitcase.

Moving to the sliding glass door, she said, “Wow. This is a great view! This hotel is really nice. Are you sure you don’t want me to split the cost with you?”

She turned to face him now, with a look of concern on her face.

Walking toward her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

Smiling, he said, “I’m sure. It was my idea to do this. It’d be kind of a dick move to make you pay for it. Besides, JDC is paying for the room. After Phoenix, I feel I earned this.”

“You should probably hang your suit. It’s going to get all wrinkly like that,” she said, gesturing to the garment bag that was looped across the top of his suitcase.

“Good call,” he said, releasing her to move toward his suitcase. He hung up the suit and a few other items. As he turned back around, he saw her move past him to pluck two hangers from the closet.

Moving to the side, he watched her hang a couple sun dresses. When she’d finished with that, she moved to the suitcase and snagged her toiletry kit out and said, “Be right back.”

Chris changed into a pair of gym shorts, and set the alarm for 7:15. He stretched out on top of the covers, and must have dozed off, because Chloe was walking toward her suitcase before he realized she was back in the room. She must have seen him stir.

“Go back to sleep. You’re exhausted. I’m coming to bed in a second,” she said, grabbing a shirt out of her suitcase.

He watched her now and said, “Excuse me, but I believe I was promised a massage. You’re not reneging on your offer, are you?”

Stripping out of her shirt, she turned to him and said, “You seemed to be asleep when I came out. I assumed that meant you weren’t interested.”

Unclasping her bra and taking it off, she continued. “So I was just going to come to bed.” She pulled on the T-shirt now.

Flashing her a somewhat lascivious smile, he said, “I’m always interested.”

Chloe slid her jeans off, then set her dirty clothes aside. Zipping the suitcase, she moved over to the bed and crawled under the covers next to him.

He slid under the covers and stretched out next to her.

She looked at him and asked, “How’s your knee? Still hurting?”