Turning her head, which had been pointed the other way, to face him, she peered at him over the rims of her sunglasses and said, “That wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of you.”

“Not feeling entirely gentlemanly right now.”

Smirking, she said, “I can see that.”

A moment later she said, “Sorry, sorry. You’re just so much fun to bait. I’ll leave you in peace now.”

Sometime later, he realized he must have fallen asleep because he checked his watch and over an hour had passed. Looking over at Chloe, he saw her back was starting to turn a bit pink.

“Hey. Chloe,” he said.

Deciding she must be asleep, he gently touched her shoulder and said, “Chloe, wake up. You’re getting a little burnt.”

Stirring slightly, she said, “I don’t want to move.”

Reaching back behind her, she said, “Shit. I didn’t think about retying this laying down. Can you retie my top, please?”

She moved, slightly adjusting the top, as he leaned over her. Grabbing the two strings, he tied them into a bow, then double knotted it for her. He clearly deserved some sort of Medal of Honor. He’d wanted nothing more than to flip her over and cup her bare breasts in his hands.

“Thanks,” she said.

“We should probably head back in. Sun’s only getting hotter.”

“Yeah, you’re right. This was nice.”

Nodding, he said, “Yeah. It was.”

Chapter 5

Standing up, she adjusted her swimsuit, then grabbed her towel. She was pretty sure he almost lost it a few times. It would be interesting to see how long she’d have to keep this up before he made a move. She wished she’d have been able to see his eyes when she’d undone her bikini top.

Grabbing her towel, she shimmied around the side of the boat again, then climbed over the edge. Chris followed her into the cabin, dropping his towel on his bag and grabbing his shirt. Moving past her, he crawled back up to the sun deck.

She quickly dressed, slid into her shoes and moved back up the ladder with two bottled waters in one hand. Handing one to him, she asked, “Can I drive again?”

Shrugging, he put his water in the cup holder and said, “Til we get near the harbor, then I’ll take over.”

He stepped back, letting her take the wheel. He continued to reach around her, flipping the switch to bring the anchor back up. Once that was done, he turned on the boat, fiddled with the throttle and whatever the other lever was.

As the boat roared to life, he slid his hands over hers, directing her arms and the wheel to point them in the right direction. She noticed that he didn’t change position, even after they were under way. She was enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around her, his hands touching hers.

At one point the water got a little rough, so he moved his hand to slow the boat a bit. Instead of putting it back on the wheel, he apparently gave up the pretense and just wrapped it around her middle, pulling her back against him.

Feeling a small surge of victory, she just leaned her head back against his chest for a brief moment, before moving it back to pay attention to the water in front of her.

When they approached the harbor, he put both of his hands on the wheel, but didn’t move to allow her to step out from in front of him, so she just continued to lean against him. Reaching down, she grabbed her water and took the cap off, taking a long swig. She moved it back to the cup holder.

Turning her head slightly to face him, she asked, “Water?”

Looking down absently for a minute, he said, “Yes. Please.”

Twisting the top off the other bottle, she handed it to him. He gulped down half the bottle, then handed it back to her. Resting his chin on the top of her head for a moment, he said, “Thanks.”

She recapped the bottle and

put it back in the cup holder.

They remained that way, leaning against one another until he guided the boat into the slip. When he removed the keys from the ignition and backed up to let her out, she grinned and said, “I drove a boat. Kind of.”