“Even so, you go again.”

“Uh, we’re totally killing all the mystery here, but okay. Hmm, a good one? Oh. You were the first guy, way back when, to ever make me come. You were the third person I had even fooled around with.”

“Wow. Really?”

“Yes. Really. To all of that. Remember. I had a strongly religious upbringing. I was on lockdown until college.”

“Glad to have been of service,” Deacon said, laughing.

“Your turn, Deacon. Last one though. We’ve got to keep the mystery alive.”

“Okay. This one has to be good, then.”

“Yep. I want pure gold here.”

“I’ve taken some time to think about this. You know, since we ran into each other again? The reason I took off so abruptly way back when? I liked you. I was kind of a messed up kid, and I didn’t want to feel anything at all. But, I genuinely liked you and it scared the hell out of me. So rather than deal with it, I panicked and ran.”

“Oh. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if you just didn’t enjoy it or if I had done something.”

Snorting, Deacon said, “You just stared at me with those gray eyes afterward and I felt like you could see inside me. It scared the shit out of me.”

Quiet for a moment, Sara said, “Oh. I was so inexperienced, I was worried that I had been disappointing somehow.”

Biting back a laugh, he said, “Not disappointing in the least. It was mind blowing. I wasn’t kidding in your office when I said the problem was all me.”

“Thanks for telling me. I guess I did ask for pure gold. I feel like that counts.”

“I’m glad you think so. Seriously though? Best sex I’d had in my life up until last night and then again this morning. It seems to get better each time.”

Laughing now, she said, “We should continue to practice then. You know, in the interest of betterment.”

“Day and night, if I have to. You have no idea what you do to me.”

“The same thing you do to me, I’m sure.”

There was a moment of silence on the line as they both considered these new developments.

Finally Sara said, “You know what. I feel like I need to hang up. I’m likely to give you my credit card number in a few minutes if we don’t stop talking.”

Grinning, Deacon said, “We can’t have that, can we?”

“No. We can’t have that.”

“I’ll talk to you later. Sleep well, baby,” Deacon said.

“Surprisingly, I’m tired again. I totally will. Text me tomorrow?”

“Yep. Don’t work too hard.”

“I won’t. Night.”


Sara hung up.

Deacon hung up the phone, staring at the ceiling. Wow, he thought.

Chapter 13