“Agreed. So how did your hunt for a replacement go? You said you were interviewing today, right?”

Mildly surprised that he remembered, she said, “Went awesome, thanks for asking! Found someone who’ll be a great fit. Experience, genuine interest in the business, not a total mouth breather. I think he’ll be a great addition to the team. What about you? Did you crack the case of the fucked-up billing?”

Smirking at her crass language, he said, “I wish. The more I dig, the more I find. If I hadn’t fired them already, they’d all be fired. It’s a nightmare.”

Wincing in sympathy, she said, “If you want it done right, sometimes you gotta do it yourself.”

“Absolutely. This was already royally screwed up, so the last thing I’m going to do is trust someone else with it.”

“No kidding. I’d love to say that’s why I’m here at seven, but I’m just a little OCD about managing things still. I’ve been running the show for so long that it’s hard to let go.”

“You seem to know what you’re doing. You’ve got a successful business by all accounts. You’re doing something right. We probably wouldn’t have hired you, otherwise.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“Don’t forget to enjoy it, though. There’s no point to any of this,” Deacon said, waving his chopsticks around in an all-encompassing manner, “if you’re too busy to enjoy your successes.”

Sara nodded slowly, and said, “I’m working on it. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily.”

“I have the same issue. I’d love to tell you it gets easier, but that’d be a lie.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes, then Sara said, “You’re making it really difficult for me to actively dislike you, ya know.”

Peering at her, he asked, “I didn’t realize that was a thing. Can I ask why you’re trying to actively dislike me?”

Shrugging, Sara asked, “It’s better than the alternative.”

Even more intrigued, he asked, “Better than what alternative?”

Shoving another bite into her mouth, Sara gestured with chopsticks as if to say, “Full mouth. Can’t talk now.”

With a smirk, Deacon said, “No, no. You finish chewing, I’ll wait.”

Swallowing, and pinning him with a bland stare, she said, “Being really attracted to you,” and took another bite, as if she hadn’t just dropped a bomb on him.

Still somewhat surprised she just put that out there, he asked, “Would it be so bad? I mean, really?”

Chewing thoughtfully, Sara said, “We’ve got a working relationship, and that comes first. I’m just getting my company off the ground. At the least it’s a risk, and the worst it could destroy some of the progress I’ve worked for. Plus there’s possible rejection, which is always kind of awkward. Don’t know that I wanna do that again.”

Deacon said bluntly, “Rejection would be a non-issue here, Sara. You must realize that by now. The other night in the garage, I was ten seconds from biting that lower lip of yours. The fact I’m feeding you now? I like the security guy, but he didn’t get dinner. I want to be around you and I’m not being subtle about it.”

He stared at her steadily now, as if he was trying to gauge her response to his words.

Then he continued. “But, I get what you’re saying. It’s probably not the smartest move either of us could make, mixing business and…whatever this is.” Deacon made a circular gesture with his hand and finished. “In the spirit of honesty though, the more I’m around you, the less I give a shit about that.”

“Well you’ve got the least to lose. But that gives us something to think about, doesn’t it?” she asked, tossing the empty chicken container in the trash.

Realizing that the conversation had effectively ended for now, he followed suit and then said, “That it does. Have a good night, if I don’t see you.”

At her nod, he moved toward the exit of the kitchen and said, “Oh. Ask the security guard to walk you to your car tonight. It’s getting pretty late.”

Smiling, she said, “Don’t worry. I got smart. Parked out back by the receiving door. Thank you for dinner. And the company.”

Nodding, he said, “You’re welcome. Night then,” as he walked through the double doors and back toward the bank of elevators.

After he had walked through the doors, Sara exhaled. At least she wasn’t alone. For whatever that was worth.

Chapter 6