He reached his hand out, and tucked a windblown strand of red hair behind her ear, lightly grazing her cheek. He felt her lean slightly into the touch for a moment, then her eyes widened.

The arm that had been holding his coat stretched out in front of her, effectively filling the space between them.

Reaching out, he took the coat from her and said, “Drive carefully. I’ll see you on Monday.”

“G’night, Deacon. Enjoy your curry,” she said.

Watching her drive away, he was struck by several thoughts at once. He was starting to genuinely like Sara. She was an interesting combination of class and humor. She didn’t pull punches and there was something really sexy about that for some reason.

Those eyes were going to be his undoing.

And, lastly, most importantly really, none of these thoughts were at all appropriate.

Cursing, Deacon walked down to his car and called in the order for lamb korma.

Chapter 5

Sara got into her car, hands shaking. Knowing he was standing there, she started the ignition and drove away. The scent of his cologne, caught in her nose, o

nly intensified when she cranked up the heat.

Pulling into the first parking lot she could find, she turned the car off and laid her head on the steering wheel. Even with their newly established friendship on shaky ground at best, one look at those eyes and she wanted to crawl all over him. Seeing that subtle shift from casually observant to warm desire totally undid her. Still.

It was a stupid idea even entertaining these thoughts. She had very specific rules about mixing business and pleasure. She didn’t. Ever. It was a cardinal sin.

Taking a few calming breaths, she got out of the car and walked into Target. She needed a coat. And socks. And wine.

After wandering aimlessly around Target for the better part of an hour, Sara drove herself home. Letting herself into the house, she set down her bags and purse, and called for Smitty, her Scottish fold. Getting no response, she wandered into the kitchen to scrounge up some dinner.

She scanned the contents of her fridge, eyeing the left over Chinese food dubiously. Deciding against it, she ransacked her freezer and microwaved some taquitos—the dinner of champions.

Earlier, when Deacon had mentioned jalapeno poppers, he had no idea how close to the mark he really was. While in a business setting she would never serve them, at home she wasn’t that interested in cooking. Anything that required any prep at all wasn’t an option. She was strictly a microwave-ready or takeout kind of girl.

Sitting down at the table with a beer and her dinner, she gave a slight jump when Smitty hopped up on the table to inspect dinner. Seeing nothing of interest, he gave a disinterested yowl and hopped back down. Trying to clear her mind, she finished the rest of her dinner and beer.

Moving over to the couch, shoving the shopping bags unceremoniously out of the way, she flipped on the television. She hoped for some sort of distraction from her thoughts of Deacon.

After finally landing on Donnie Darko after an otherwise fruitless search, she resigned herself to the fact that she was going to continue thinking about Deacon. She couldn’t watch this movie without thinking of him.

On their one and only date, they got dinner, they went to see Donnie Darko at the local indie theater. As they walked back to the dorm, they had cut through the park. About halfway through their trip, it started to pour. Grabbing her hand, he made a dash for the closest pavilion.

They were both soaked to the bone, and she was shivering. He rubbed her arms with his hands to warm her up, but almost immediately they ended up plastered against one another. They were all lips, tongues, and teeth right out of the gate.

It rained pretty steadily for an hour and a half. Moving over to sit on one of the picnic tables, they ended up fooling around the whole time. Sara had her first orgasm from another person that night. Well, first several, if she was going to get technical.

Looking back, Deacon had a surprising knowledge of the female anatomy. That should have been a warning. He had made her come several times using his hand and tongue before she finally had to beg him to stop. Her body wasn’t able to take anymore.

They hadn’t had any protection, so Sara thought it only fair to return the favor. She gave her first, albeit slightly awkward, blowjob. She remembered feeling slightly clumsy at first, but Deacon hadn’t had any issue providing verbal and physical cues.

His rough voice urging her on and the involuntary tightening of his fist on the hair at the nape of her neck gave her an accurate idea of what he liked. Emboldened by his obvious appreciation, she had managed to figure out the rest on her own.

The walk back to her dorm room was kind of hazy, but after another fifteen minutes of heavy making out, they made plans to meet after class the following day for breakfast.

When he showed up the next morning at her dorm room to pick her up, she had all but attacked him. She remembered taking his hand and tugging him into her room, grabbing the front of his Ramones T-shirt and fusing her mouth to his. Quickly picking up on her not so subtle hint, he pulled her hips roughly against him and devoured her mouth.

Recognizing his obvious interest, she slid her hands under the edge of his T-shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin under her fingertips. With no warning of his intent, he slid his hands under the edges of her shirt and pulled it off her. Definitely down with the program, she mirrored his motions until they were both entirely undressed.

By the time he rolled on protection, they were both panting wildly. She could still remember the way his eyes had darkened and then blurred as he slipped inside her, could hear the slight groan he made as he had adjusted to her tight, wet heat.