He seemed to be able to sense she was on edge. He lifted his mouth and asked her, “Are you about to come on my hand, Tessa? With all of these people just a few feet away? Does that make it even hotter?”

When she let out a small whimper, he said, “Answer me, Tessa. Does the idea of coming with all of these strangers just a few feet away turn you on?”

“Yes,” she admitted, in between panting breaths. “Oh God, keep talking. Don't stop.”

“Fuck, Tessa. That's it,” he said when she rocked her hips more frantically against his hand. “You have no idea how much I want to taste you, how much I want to bend you over this railing and slide my cock into your tight little pussy. Audience be damned. Is that what you want, Tessa?”

“Yes. Fuck. You have no idea how badly I want that.” She moaned, on the edge.

“Come for me,” he whispered in her ear, as he gave her clit a rough pinch. “That's it. Give it to me, Tessa.”

She cried out his name as she shuddered against him. Release tore through her, leaving her entire body feeling as though it pulsated from the inside out. She could feel it in her toes.

As his hand stilled, she slumped forward .“Holy shit.”

He slipped his hand out of her panties and adjusted her skirt. He was silent, so she turned just in time to catch him licking his fingers clean.

She felt another aftershock as she watched him. Jesus. She was normally somewhat conservative. Never in a million years would she have predicted Rick would have this effect on her. He looked her in the eye as he licked the last of her cream from his fingers.

His eyes were filled with need, but he simply pulled her up against his chest and said, “Well, I guess I can check that one off of my bucket list.”

She laughed. “You have a sexual bucket list?”

“Don't you,” he teased.

“I'm rethinking that option,” she said as she laid her head against his shoulder.

They stayed that way, snuggled together until the ferry docked a few minutes later. As they were disembarking, he took her hand and asked, “Where to now?”

“My place,” she said, looking over at him.

She saw a mixture of relief and anticipation on his face when he nodded. Tessa couldn't help but feel a little bit smug when he quickened their pace back to his truck.

When he helped her into the SUV and then moved around to his side of the vehicle, it gave her a minute to catch her breath. Was she really going to do this? Was she going to sleep with Rick on the first date?

After he was settled next to her, he shook his head and said, “God, you're gorgeous, Tessa.” Then he leaned in and gave her a hard kiss.

When he moved back over to his side of the car, put on his seat belt, and then started the truck, she let out a shuddering breath. Yeah. She was totally going to sleep with him on the first date. Several times if she had any say in the matter.

Chapter Five

Rick was certain of only two things on the drive back from the Quay to Tessa's. First, he was certain there was no way she could possibly be the leak. She was too caring. Too earnest. She had spoken about her career, she'd explained her love of science. He just couldn't see anyone that devoted to her work selling secrets to the highest bidder.

The second thing Rick was absolutely certain of? The fact that he'd never needed to be inside someone so much in his entire life. Jesus!

What had happened on the boat was an entirely new experience for him. He'd never wanted someone so much that he didn't give a damn whether anyone saw him touch her. There was something about Tessa that drew out his predatory instincts. He'd been this close to fucking her right up against the rail of the ferry.

The drive back to her house was quiet, for the most part. Every so often, she would squirm in her seat. He could only guess what was going through her mind. Probably the same filthy thoughts going through his own. Assuming she was agreeable, he planned to fuck her against the first flat surface he could find.

When they reached her house, she slid out of the passenger seat before he could make his way around the car. Hand in hand they walked toward the door. Her silence made him wonder if she was having second thoughts.

He watched as she dug through her purse. As she tried to unlock her door, he saw her hand shake. He reached out and put his hand over hers.

“Tessa¸” he said. “We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I can just—”

“I'm a little nervous,” she said, cutting him off. “But I very much want you to come inside, Rick.”

He studied her, still unsure.