“In the afternoon, two days ago. Marla came over to walk him around one and then she left him inside. When I got off work at six, he wasn't there. I have a key, she has a key, and my ex might have a key. He says he turned them over, but I'll just say I don't really trust him.”

“Understood,” he said, nodding. “It may very well be him that took the dog. The easiest answer is usually the correct one when it comes to this kind of thing. Being able to break into a house with no forced entry isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Especially without alerting that giant, probably really loud, dog of yours.”

“He's a sweetheart, but his bark could wake the dead,” Cassidy said. “I feel like he would have grabbed some attention during the day on my street. It's pretty populated. There are plenty of stay at home parents, too.”

Mike hesitated before he asked, “And have you checked the shelters and pound? On the off chance that he got out?”

“Roddy is a unique dog. No one remembers seeing a dog that weighs over 72 kilograms that also looks like a lion coming through the shelters. I went to all of them within a twenty kilometer radius. When the cops kind of blew me off, I figured I was on my own. My godmother recommended you guys. Do you really think you can help?”

“I'm sure I'd remember meeting a big boy like that,” Mike reasoned, gesturing to the photo that lay on his desk. “I'm going to be honest with you. This isn't really what we do. Typically we investigate insurance fraud, corporate espionage, stuff like that. Under special circumstances we take on location cases, like the runaway I mentioned. I found her in a shelter almost 200 kilometers from home. If he's out there, I'll try my hardest to find him. Okay?”

She nodded. That would have to be enough. “Thank you,” she almost whispered. “He's my baby.”

He nodded solemnly as if he completely understood her. That kind patience was her undoing. Her eyes began to water. Quickly, he passed her a box of tissues and said, “Deep breaths, Cassidy. I've got a few more questions whenever you're ready.”

Cassidy took several deep, calming breaths before she finally nodded and said, “Ready.”

“Have you noticed anyone around your place lately that didn't belong?”

And so on, the questions continued for the next hour or so. He asked about everything from what groomers she used to any neighbor that had maybe admired him too much. He jotted notes with each question. He was incredibly thorough. He explored other avenues that would explain Roddy's disappearance. Even in her emotional state, she understood the necessity in that, though part of her wanted to remind him that they were wasting time.

Cassidy didn't think Roger would hurt Roddy, but her poor baby must be frightened at this point. They hadn't been separated for more than a day at a time since she'd brought him home from Europe. She missed that slobbery little face already.

Mike wrapped up the meeting by getting her contact information and address. At her suggestion, he would be around later in the afternoon to canvas the neighbors. In the meantime, he suggested she contact Marla to see if there was a good time for him to swing by the vet's office where she worked. Even though she'd said Marla didn't have any information, Mike insisted.

When the meeting was over, he gave her a business card, made a photo copy of the picture she'd provided, and then walked her out. The comforting squeeze he'd given her on the shoulder gave her a little flutter. She had to admit.

Mike Diamond was actually pretty hot, despite being an asshole. He had light sandy brown hair that was closely cropped to his head. He was in his mid-thirties, maybe. Even under his thick sweater, she could see he was built. The sleeves had been snug when he'd stopped to take off his jacket. Mike's features had been completely passive the entire time, but his eyes definitely weren't. They were hazel and absolutely gorgeous. Expressive too.

She'd been able to read him like a book when they'd been seated at the desk. That first apology had been for show.

The second one had been genuine. It had taken him a bit to warm up to the idea of the case, but now she was convinced he would take it seriously. He seemed determined to find Roddy. Maybe he wasn't entirely an asshole.

Cassidy headed toward the parking lot. She rifled through her bag until she found her cell. Wiping the smudges off the touch screen, she dialed Marla, Roddy's handler. On the fourth ring, Marla picked up.

“Hey, Cass. Any news on Roddy yet?”

“No,” she glumly reported. “Nothing as of yet. I did hire a private investigator. Someone Carla recommended to me. I'm hopeful he'll be able to find something. Is there any way you could speak with him?”

“Just so long as it's not at work. Dr. Townsend threw a fit when the cops showed up to talk to me the other day. Said it was bad for business.”

She winced and said, “Jesus. I'm so sorry about that. I didn't think about how bad that would look. I'm so sorry.”

“Roddy is a huge investment. I totally understand,” Marla said. “Just ... let me come over there after work one day.”

“Well, the PI is canvasing the neighborhood this afternoon. I can let him know what time you'll be over if you'd be willing to today.”

“Of course,” Marla said in agreement. “I'm off work at five-thirty today. I can be there right after. So maybe six?”

“I'll call and let him know,” she said, absolutely thrilled for any forward motion.

After a quick call to Mike to let him know about Marla, she slid into her car. She knew how crazy it must look, her hiring a private detective to find her dog. She didn't care though. With her parents dead, and no siblings, it was basically just her. Her godmother, Carla, was the closest thing she had to family.

Between the hours she put in at work and the shows, it was difficult to manage any real sustaining friendships. She worked as an accountant so most of the people in her office were dull as dishwater. She couldn't imagine spending much time with them outside of work. Everyone at the office pretty much stuck to themselves anyway. She often wondered if they all secretly felt the same way about her as she did them.

If they did, she couldn't blame them. Work, dog shows, and hanging out with Carla didn't really make for a very exciting life. When she divorced Roger, she had promised herself she'd start going out more. She was a little tired of being boring little Cassidy.

Even with the somewhat depressing thoughts swirling through her mind, she was still hopeful about Roddy. Mike would find Roddy. Somehow she just felt it.