Had Carla paid her bill?

Cassidy grabbed her cell and dialed. When her godmother answered, she casually said, “So, I got my bill from your detective friend today.”

“Arm and a leg? I told you they weren't cheap, baby. At least you got Roddy back though. How's my boy?”

“The bill was marked as paid in full. Did you pay them for me?”

“Hell no, kid. You know I don't have that kinda money. And before you even ask, you didn't get the 'banging your godmother' discount either. Rick's not my type. The young one is pretty cute though.”

When Cassidy didn't speak, Carla playfully asked, “Did you get the 'banged the detective' discount?”

Her eyes widened. Holy shit. Had Mike marked it as paid in full because they'd had sex? Jesus. Was that what that had been about? She felt the bile rise in her throat.

“Honey? You there?”

Shocked, Cassidy said, “I'm here. And, yeah. I think I did.”

“Oh. Shit. I'm sorry, Cass. I was only kidding,” Carla apologized. “I'd tell you way to go for finally getting laid by someone other than Roger, but I know that's probably not appropriate right now.”

“Not in the least,” Cassidy said, still shocked. “I mean, when he blew me off after I got Roddy back I was a little upset. Now I want to kick his ass.”

“I could tell Rick to kick his ass,” Carla offered.

“No, no. I've got this,” she said. “I'm gonna let you go. I'll talk to you later. Are we still on for Sunday?”

“Wouldn't miss it. I can't wait to see my best boy again. Give that bastard hell, baby.”

“Count on it.”

“I'll expect a full debrief on Sunday, kid. Love you.”

“Love you too. Bye,” Cassidy said.

She glanced at the clock. It was probably too late to stop at his office tonight. Tomorrow she would go after work. If she hadn't already been hurt by the way he'd just blown her off, then part of her might find this amusing. This only added insult to injury. God. How could she have been so stupid?

Chapter Nine

It was a full week since he'd seen Cassidy, five days since Mike had mailed out her bill. He hadn't been able to charge her. Maybe that made him some kind of sentimental schmuck, but so be it. Even if she hadn't been interested, he had wanted to help her. Hell, he'd changed her doorknobs.

He rubbed a frustrated hand over his face. He hadn't slept for shit in days. As much as he'd liked her, clearly he just needed to move on. She'd probably gotten the bill, shrugged at it, and moved on.

Sure, she'd been polite when she'd brushed him off, but it was so lowering to admit he'd felt used. He, who typically had no issue with keeping things casual, had made the mistake of thinking a one night could be more.

He took a swig of his now cold coffee as he pored over phone records. He'd been working a cheating case for the last few days. They were the bane of his existence. Mike had gotten pictures of the husband cheating. The wife had asked him to pore through the phone records to 'find the bitch's number'. He was only thankful she hadn't asked for a name or an address. He would have declined.

He was about to give up for the day and head home when he heard voices in the front lobby. His door was closed, so hopefully Lara would take that as a sign to leave him the hell alone. She'd been after him for the last few days about his lack of sleep. He loved her like a sister, but she was a god damned nag.

A moment later, his door opened. Cassidy walked through it. She looked gorgeous … and really pissed.


Instead of answering, she held out the bill he'd sent her and then asked, “What's this about?”

“I didn't feel right charging you,” he said. “So I didn't.”

The truth was he couldn't bring himself to charge her. He'd been emotionally involved in the case since she'd sat down in his office. At first it had been because he'd felt like shit about being a jerk to her. After that, it had been because of his feelings for her.

“So, what? You put me on some sort of blow job payment plan and didn't bother to tell me?”