“Just a minute, buddy,” she said, looking down at him. When she looked up, she had regret written all over his face. Mike's heart sank.

“So, um. I'm gonna get going. I wanna get Roddy home,” she said hesitantly. “This feels really weird. I didn't think this would be so awkward. Mike, I don't want—”

“Don't, Cass. It doesn't have to be weird.” He interrupted her, ignoring the pit in his stomach. He tried to make it easier for her. “Just go. Take Roddy home. I know you've missed your boy.”

“Okay,” she said quietly. “So, we just chalk last night up to hormones then?”

At his nod, she quickly said, “Okay. Thanks for everything, then.”

Watching her walk away was one of the toughest things he'd ever done. He ignored the burning in his gut and dialed Chris. He definitely owed him a beer. And now more than ever, he sure could use a drink.

Chapter Eight

By the time Cassidy got Roddy home and into the bath tub, the shock had mostly worn off. Had Mike just dumped her? After one night? She revised her revised opinion of him. What an asshole!

She understood that the job was over. She hadn't been certain how to ask him if they were going to continue to see each other. Before she could even work up the damned courage, he'd told her to just go home. She'd thought they'd had a connection. Apparently not.

She used the removable shower head to hose Roddy down. Though he hated bath time very much, he seemed to agree it was necessary. He didn't even make a fuss when she squirted the shampoo on him and lathered. This would normally be about the time he jumped out of the tub and shook himself violently. Tonight, thankfully, he was resigned.

When Roddy let out a long suffering sigh, she leaned down and gave him a squeeze. “It's alright, buddy. We're almost done here. Then tonight you can have chicken nuggets for dinner.”

Roddy wagged his entire back half furiously when she uttered the magic words. You'd think her six figure earning pooch would want something more refined, but when it came down to it, Roddy was a simple dog. He wanted his bed, his mama, and an unlimited supply of chicken nuggets.

Eventually his patience wore thin. He began to make unhappy groans in the tub. She rinsed him as quickly as possible, and then let the water out of the tub. Normally, she would try and keep him in the tile areas of the house while he dried, but she didn't have the heart. Instead, she led him through the back door, through the patio, a

nd into the back yard.

Yelping, he tore around in excitement. She would take him to the dog run at the park tomorrow. Then the groomers, because that bath had been totally wasted. Poor Roddy. From the looks of it, he'd been cooped up in Marla's spare bedroom for days.

She plopped down on the grass, and then wiped furiously at the tear that escaped. She would not give that bitch the satisfaction. Roger? She understood he would stoop so low. Finding out that Marla was involved had been like a knife in the back.

Cassidy had always been kind. She'd paid Marla higher than the standard amount handlers typically made. When Roddy won, she always made a nice bonus. Hell, she even paid her daily to walk Roddy when she was at work.

Marla had paid her kindness back by sleeping with her ex-husband and stealing her dog. When she'd asked her why, Marla had called her a frigid bitch.

Was she frigid? Was that why Mike had walked away? Well, technically she'd walked away. He'd had no problem letting her, though.

Her eyes watered, and this time she let the tears come. She knew it was absolutely stupid to cry over Mike. It had only been one night. It had been beautiful, though. She'd never felt so desired. Then today, he'd just brushed her off.

Tears streamed down her face. She was a freaking mess. Her dog was the most important thing in her life. She couldn't find a husband that wasn't looking to exploit her. She couldn't keep a decent guy interested in her for more than a night.

Eventually, when her head was throbbing from the tears, she picked herself up off the grass and took Roddy back inside. She knew she'd have to go back to work on Monday, but there was no way she was letting him out of her sight until then.

Of course, Marla's abrupt departure left many things up in the air. Could she ever trust another handler? Would she continue to show Roddy at all? She didn't know how, but she knew things definitely needed to change. At least she had the weekend to think about it.

* * * *

By the time Thursday rolled around, Cassidy was still no closer to an answer. She'd been rushing home during lunch to walk Roddy. With the traffic on the expressway, there was no possible way she could continue to do this. She'd been late twice this week. Her boss understood to a point, but it would wear thin.

This weekend she would have to make some decisions about how to move forward with Roddy. She needed to hire someone to walk him during the day. Whether she wanted to or not, she'd need to learn to trust someone again.

Still unready to think about it, she distracted herself with the mail. She'd been making it a habit to look at it more frequently. She still couldn't believe she'd been so dumb. His ransom letter had been sitting there for days. Would they have really hurt Roddy?

When she pulled the next envelope from the stack, she felt a pit in her stomach. Her bill from Diamond and Diamond. It would likely be steep, because she'd basically monopolized one of them for three entire days. Idly, she wondered if he'd bill her for the night they'd spent together.

It was small of her, but his dismissal still stung. Sighing, she tore open the envelope and unfolded the invoice. She scanned it, completely confused.

Total Due: $0.00, Paid in Full.