When plain clothes officer in an unmarked vehicle pulled up in front of the home, Mike grinned. It was show time. He watched from his vehicle down the street as the door to the house opened. Moments later, a marked cop car pulled up.

Mike walked over to stand near the front yard, where one officer stood waiting. She asked, “You the PI that called this in?”

“Yep.” He nodded. “The dog in there was reported stolen by Cassidy Werner on Monday afternoon. Either Roger Millman or Marla Francis broke in to my client's home and stole the dog. They then proceeded to extort money to the tune of thirty thousand out of her as ransom money.”

“That so,” she asked. “That's a lot for a dog.”

“You're telling me. That's an incredibly valuable show dog and a beloved pet, though. Can I call my client and let her know her money and funds will be returned tonight? I can produce receipts for the money and paperwork for the dog.”

“Not so sure about that. Lemme check.”

He watched her walk into the house. He really prayed Roddy could go home. The money would work itself out eventually, but it was Roddy that mattered the most to Cassidy.

The officer appeared again a few minutes later and said, “Uh. That monster won't let us anywhere near him. I'd rather not have to taze a dog and then drop it at the pound. Assuming your client can produce ownership paperwork, would she be willing to come get him?”

He grinned. “I'm sure of it. Let me call her. The money?”

“Evidence for now, but likely it can be released to her pending further investigation.”

“Understood. Thank you. I'll give her a call now.”

He took a deep breath and dialed.

“Hello?” Cassidy answered, picking up on the first ring.

“We've got Roddy. He's safe. He's not letting anyone near him. Poor guy is probably scared out of his mind. Not hurt though. Can you come get him? He'll probably respond best to you under the circumstances.”

Her shaky and relieved voice came through the line. “Thank God. I don't even know how to thank you, Mike. Where are you? Where is he?”

“Be sure to bring your registration paperwork for Roddy. The police are asking for proof of ownership. As for where it he is... You know where Marla lives,” he asked gently.

“Yes.” Her voice cracked when she whispered, “Was it Marla?”

He heard the tiny break in her voice and felt an answering pang in his chest. “Marla and Roger. I think they're an item.”

“Why— Ya know what? I'm coming to get Roddy. I'll think about this later. I'll be there in ten minutes,” she said abruptly, then disconnected the line.

Mike whistled. She was fucking mad. Honestly, he couldn't blame her.

When her car pulled up, she barely turned it off before she ran up the sidewalk toward him. Her eyes bright with tears, she asked, “Where is he?”

He directed her to the officer on the scene who escorted her into the residence. There was the sound of raised voices. Moments later, Marla and Roger were both escorted outside. He hadn't heard the exchange, but he was sure it hadn't been pleasant.

Mike waited patiently until Cassidy appeared, huge lion dog in tow. Looking absolutely broken, she asked, “Why Marla? I expected this out of Roger, but not you.”

Marla stared at her coldly. “You're a frigid bitch. I always wanted what you had.”

Roddy chose that moment to growl fiercely at her. Cassidy, to her credit, braced herself and held on to the leash even more tightly. She said, “Roddy, no. Bad dog. Heel!”

Disgust all over her face, Cassidy all but hissed her next words. “You're just lucky I don't let him have you, ya bitch.”

Mike watched in admiration as she dragged Roddy toward him. She stopped in front of him, the anger gone from her face. “I don't know how I will ever repay you, Mike. Thank you so much.”

“I'm just doing what you hired me to do, Cass. I'm happy he's healthy and that you're able to take him home where he belongs.”

“He's filthy, but seems to be in good condition otherwise.”

At that moment Roddy laid his head against her hip as if to ask, “Can we please leave now?”