When he caught sight of the bruise on her cheek, he frowned. God knows what the man thought. His boss called and demanded limo service at three in the morning for some woman who was obviously not a guest of the hotel. Then Lilly had shown up looking as if she’d been beaten. She could see the direction of his thoughts already.

There was no way she could allow him to think that Mr. McKenna had either done this or was in collusion with anyone who had. It was the least she owed him. He had been...kind.

Lilly explained, “Someone tried to mug me earlier tonight after work. Mr. McKenna provided a way home since the doctor said I shouldn’t drive.”

He relaxed visibly for a moment and then his eyes widened. He asked, “Are you okay?”

“Nothing a dozen hours of sleep and some pain relievers won’t fix. Thank you for the ride.”

“You’re welcome. Feel better,” he said.

She gave him a wave and headed toward the front door of her townhouse. She let herself in and walked up the stairs into the main living area. Marissa stood there in rumpled pajamas.

“Holy shit, honey! What happened?” she screeched as she took in the mark on her face.

Lilly set her bag down and moved to the cabinet to get some aspirin. She tossed them back with a swig of orange juice right from the jug before she answered.

“Classy, babe,” Marissa said, cringing. “Now what happened?”

“I almost got mugged in the parking lot after work. I ended up getting hit in the face, and then I hit my head against the car. I stabbed the guy with my keys. Rat bastard. He tore my bag.”

“That’s crazy, Lill. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I think so. I mean, the doctor said I had signs of a mild concussion, but basically I have a giant headache and a torn bag.”

Marissa studied her and said, “Do I have to wake you up every hour on the hour? I saw it on television once.”

“I will straight up murder you. I’m so freaking tired right now. I just wanna close my eyes,” Lilly said.

“Just one more question and then you can sleep. How did you end up in a limo?”

Lilly sighed because she knew as soon as she explained it, there would be several more questions.

“Security showed up, took me inside. I met Talan McKenna, by the way. He said he’d have someone deliver my car since I shouldn’t be driving, and then sent me home in a limo.” She tried to make it sound very matter of fact, but if Marissa’s reaction was any indication, she had failed miserably.

“What?” she screeched. “You met the boss man?”

Lilly gripped her head as the sound set off another wave of pounding in her head.

Marissa winced and then softly said, “Sorry, sorry. I totally lied. I’m not done with the questions. You met the boss?”

Marissa worked in the cash area in the casino. That’s how Lilly had been able to score a job there as a bartender. It made sense that she’

d be interested. He was pretty reclusive. She’d been there for a few months now and had only seen him twice until tonight.

Lilly went over the entire interaction, leaving nothing out.

“Wow. I’ve been there for a couple of years now. The most I’ve gotten is a nod. Maybe I oughta get jumped in the parking lot. He’s hot, right?”

“Yeah,” Lilly admitted. “He’s even hotter up close. And that voice. It’s smooth, deep, and incredibly precise. I don’t know if that’s the word—it’s hard to explain.”

“The type of voice you wish would whisper filthy things in your ear?”

“Yes. Absolutely,” Lilly agreed. Jokingly, she added, “And on that note, I’m going to take a cold shower and go to bed.”

Marissa gave her a knowing smirk and said, “Try and keep it down.”

Shooting her the finger as she left, Lilly made her way upstairs. She briefly considered the shower but decided that sleep was far more important. Tomorrow.