Colette walked slowly toward her, laughing as Lilly tried to shield her face with one arm. The other hand closed around the handle of the knife. Lilly decided that if she was going to die here, then at the very least this evil bitch would bleed.

“Aww,” Colette pouted. “No more fight left in you? I thought this would be more fun.”

Lilly’s whole body cried out in protest when Colette reached down to pick her up again. “You fucking bitch!” she screamed as she ripped the knife from her apron and jammed it into her neck.

Colette stumbled back, releasing her, and let out a shriek unlike anything Lilly had ever heard. She must have hit an artery because blood from

the wound sprayed Lilly. Officially out of weapons, Lilly prayed it would be enough to slow her down.

The knife sticking out from her neck, Colette gave an evil hiss. She ripped it out, tossed it aside, and said, “You dumb bitch. You were better off playing dead. Now I’m going to make this hurt.”

Lilly cowered, no longer equipped to fight back. The suspicion that she was going to die tonight crept over her. All she could think about was Talan.

Colette leaned down, grabbing her by the hair. Lilly screamed at the intense, searing pain in her scalp. It felt as though her hair was being ripped out at the root. Colette slammed her mouth down on the side of Lilly’s neck.

Lilly gave another screech, scratching and pulling at Colette’s face and hair. This was nothing at all like the time Talan had bitten her. Where Colette had latched on, the skin burned as if an open wound had been doused in rubbing alcohol. She continued struggling against her, pushing, until finally she didn’t have any fight left in her.

Just as her arms went limp, she heard the glass door of the bar fly open so hard and fast that it shattered in its frame. Talan roared, “How dare you hurt what’s mine,” as he charged toward Colette.

As if she realized that she was out-manned, Colette tore her mouth away from Lilly’s neck and dropped her to the ground. Equal parts pain, relief, and fear pumped through her system. She tried to speak but found herself unable to get the words out. She could only watch as Talan grappled with Colette, trying desperately to subdue her.

Eventually he managed to get her into a choke hold. Colette batted and swung at him, trying to strike out at anything. He held her, for the most part, immobile. Growling, she screamed at Lilly, “You’re dead, bitch.”

Talan must have tightened his hold because she suddenly went very silent and still. Lilly was uncertain whether he had killed Colette or not. In that moment, his face contorted with rage, his arm wrapped around Colette’s neck and he was every bit a predator.

Seconds later, Security burst through the door, quickly assessing the situation. Talan managed to pass Colette off to one of the Transfigured guards who quickly handcuffed her. She began to fight and struggle again. Not dead. Lilly didn’t know whether to be disappointed or not.

When he was free, Talan shouted, “Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance now! She’s hurt.”

He stooped down, the predator completely gone. In his place, the man she knew and loved. Gentle, kind, beautiful. Concern written on his face, he asked, “Love. Talk to me. Where are you hurt? Where are you bleeding?”

“Just my neck. Most of the blood on me is hers. I stabbed the bitch with a paring knife.”

Pride shone in his features as he shook his head and remarked, “You’re amazing.”

Lilly slumped, her chin resting on her chest. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to talk but she had to. She said, “You came.”

Gently, he picked up her hand and said, “Daniel found me on the casino floor. I’m so sorry, love. I should have banned her from the casino. I shouldn’t have let this happen.”

“Stop. Don’t do that,” she said, her ribs aching. “You saved me.”

His heart in his eyes, he said, “You saved me too, Lilly. More than you can even know.”

“I love you,” she whispered, tears pricking at her eyes.

“I love you too. Just rest until the ambulance gets here,” he murmured as he moved to sit next to her on the floor. “Just rest.”

Mentally she tried to assess how hurt she was. She could move her arms and feet. Good sign. When she tried to sit up, her ribs ached in protest. Fuck it, she decided. She’d let the doctors sort it out. Lilly closed her eyes. She’d rest until they arrived.

Chapter Eighteen

Talan walked through the bedroom door with a tray in his hand and said, “Your dinner, my love.”

“Oh, good. Will you stay and eat with me or are you still working?”

“I’ll stay. Just let me go get my dinner. I left it at my desk,” he said. Seeing her pleased grin, he added, “Be right back.”

Since Lilly’s attack, she’d been staying with him. She’d had torn ligaments in her shoulder, broken ribs, a fractured collar bone, a broken ankle, and bruises all over her body. She’d blanched at the thought of handling stairs on crutches and he frankly didn’t blame her.