“I dunno. It was the laugh. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. I mean, they caught them. Talan said he was going to look into it though.”

“I’m sorry to be so judgy. He seems like a nice guy from what you’ve told me,” Marissa admitted.

“He really is. I didn’t expect to feel this way so soon. Especially not about him. The odds aren’t really in our favor, but for some reason, when I’m with him none of that matters.”


Lilly was still thinking about her conversation with Marissa much later in the evening when Talan walked into the bar. He glanced around and said, “No games on tonight?”

“Yeah. The Canadiens were playing earlier but as soon as the game was over, people moved on to a more exciting bar.”

Talan frowned and said, “I really should turn this into something more profitable.”

“Thanks. Where would I do my homework?” she teased.

Laughing, he suggested, “Home, perhaps? Alien concept, I know.”


“So, do I get to keep you again this evening or will you be going home?”

She waffled for a moment and then grudgingly said, “Not tonight. I have an early class.”

Talan frowned. “By the way, I have a couple of cities. Can you tell me if any of them were near you in Kansas?”

As he listed them, Lilly frowned and said, “I think those cities are in the middle of the state. I was right on the border of Missouri.”

“Damn,” he complained. “I didn’t think of that. I’ll look at the list and let you know.”

“What list?”

“Oh. I got a list of the change of address notifications for anyone named Colette Moreau for the past twenty years in the US.”

She grinned at him. “Well, aren’t you just super powerful?”

“I’m rich, Lilly. Extremely rich,” he said dryly.

“You’re also extremely fantastic, Talan. I appreciate you looking into it for me. Hopefully you won’t find anything in Missouri either, so I can just lay it to rest.”

Talan crooked a finger at her and said, “I don’t like all of this bar between us, love.”

“There are cameras,” Lilly warned.

Chuckling, Talan asked, “Shall I again remind you that I own the hotel?”

Lilly slid around the end of the bar and stepped into his waiting arms. When he took her mouth, she felt the lust wash over her just like always.”

She pulled back from him. “You can’t go getting me all worked up when I still have an hour left of my shift, Talan. That’s not fair.”

“No,” he agreed. “I highly suggest you come upstairs when you’re done. I’d be happy to help you take care of that.”

“And to think I thought you were old-fashioned,” Lilly said, smirking.

“Did you now,” he whispered, his lips sucking at her earlobe. “What made you think that?”

“Hmm? What made me think of what?” she murmured, losing her train of thought entirely when his tongue traced the inner shell of her ear.

His mouth drifted down to nibble at the soft skin of her neck. “Old-fashioned,” he prompted.