“So, wait,” Marissa screeched. “He said the L word?”

Lilly picked up another dumpling with her chopsticks and said, “Yeah. I was totally shocked. I knew that he liked me, but...”

“And you replied?” Marissa asked, gesturing in her usual “give me the damned details” manner.

She chewed the bite she had in her mouth and then said, “I told him I loved him too.”

Speechless, Marissa’s mouth dropped open. She asked, “Isn’t it a bit soon for this?”

“Uhm. Babe. I let him cash in my V-card. Did you really think I was going to let some random dude do that?” Lilly asked.

“Well, yeah. I guess not. It’s just that he’s Transfigured, and our boss, and way older than you. Are you sure?”

“What in the actual fuck, Marissa?” Lilly asked, raising her voice. “You were all for me dating the guy, but now that I actually have feelings for him you’re acknowledging all the reasons I was scared to date him in the first place!” When several people turned to look at her, Lilly lowered her voice and said, “You told me to go for it.”

“I know, babe. I did,” sh

e admitted, scrunching up her face. “That just comes with a lot of problems. What happens when you get older? What if you get sick? At some point, you’re going to...I know you don’t wanna think about it but you kind of have to.”

Lilly shrugged and said, “We’ll talk about it at some point, I’m sure. It’s only been a little while. If we stay together, then maybe I’ll do the surgery. I don’t know.”

“The surgery?”

“I was reading on the Internet. They can genetically alter humans and make them—”

“Now I get to ask you ‘what in the actual fuck’? You’d give up your life for this guy?”

“Again, crazy person. It’s been like two days. I don’t know. I love him, though. He makes me happy. Whenever he’s anywhere near me, it’s like I’ve found the missing part of myself. I’ve spent my whole damned life pretending to be fearless, and he is the only person that has ever made me feel that way. I could keep trying to explain it to you, but it will sound like I’m a silly kid with a crush. He makes me feel so much that I can’t even find the words to explain it.”

“And God knows, you’re never speechless,” Marissa said with a smirk.

“Suck it,” Lilly retorted.

“I thought we were gonna be badass old ladies in the nursing home together, Lil,” Marissa said, sobering.

Lilly felt a pang in her chest at the thought of losing Marissa. She was the closest thing she had to a sister. Hell, she was her only family, really. “And we may still. I don’t know what the future holds. I don’t wanna rule anything out just yet. This is new and I won’t be making any impulsive decisions.”

Sighing, Marissa nodded.

“On a topic change,” Lilly said. “I met the nastiest bitch ever last night. When Talan and I went out with a couple of other couples, one of the women referred to me as his ‘little human friend’. Can you believe that shit?”

Marissa made a face and said, “Bitch.”

“Yeah, no kidding. She basically called me his fucking snack!”

“Bitch!” Marissa repeated. “But, speaking of snacks. Has he? Have you?”

Lilly tugged down the collar of her sweater a tad to show the healing marks.

Gasping, Marissa asked, “Did it hurt? That looks like it hurts.”

“I’m sure it would if he just jammed his teeth into me with no warning, but in the right situation, it can add to the moment.” Lilly flushed.

“Look at you, dirty girl,” she responded, grinning.

“I know, right?” Lilly asked, grinning. “But seriously. This chick who called me a food source. She ragged on Kansas at one point, which is cool because Kansas was kind of terrible. But when she laughed, it was the laugh.”

Eyes wide, Marissa asked, “Do you think she was one of the people who hurt your family?”