nbsp; Talan looked down at her questioningly, apparently feeling her tension. She just shook her head in response and hoped he understood what that meant. He gave her a concerned look, squeezed her against his side, but said no more. Clearly, they’d be talking about this later.

Lilly did her best to refocus on the conversation but found it difficult. When Stefano and Colette were dropped off, she finally felt like she could breathe again.

As the car door closed, everyone exhaled and looked at each other. The silence was almost deafening until Lachlan remarked, “Well, she was a pleasant lass.”

As they all started to laugh, the tension seemed to dissipate.

Talan said, “I’ve got no idea where he found her, but if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not subject Lilly or myself to her company again. She was unforgivably rude.”

Lachlan held up his hands and said, “We met her once before, Talan. Remember the SATI fundraiser in Tahoe? She was a wee bit standoffish, but nothing like that. Lilly, I am so sorry. I thought it would be a nice evening out, but she was incredibly ugly to you.”

“Not your fault, Lachlan,” Lilly said. “I don’t see us being besties, but at least she stopped being outright nasty for the most part.”

Regina laughed and said, “I don’t exactly see any slumber parties in our future, either. She just seems really angry.”

“Slumber parties?” Lachlan asked, looking speculatively between the two women.

Lilly shook her head at Lachlan and then dryly said to Regina, “You’ve got him picturing us slow motion pillow fighting in our panties. You realize that, right?”

Regina looked at her, shock written all over her face, and then looked at Lachlan for confirmation.

“I’m only a man, sweetheart,” Lachlan said in his defense when Regina shot him a scolding look.

His voice entirely monotone, Talan said, “Well. This has been such a pleasant evening. I’m so sorry it has to end.”

Lilly leaned back against him again and agreed. “It certainly has been rather special.”

The conversation wound down from there, and Lilly was grateful for the silence when Lachlan and Regina bid them both a good night.

As the door closed, she said, “Well, that was fun.”

“I’m so sorry, love. I had no idea that was who Stefano was bringing. I remember her now. I met her through a friend a few years back. She was unpleasant then but her behavior tonight was inexcusable.”

Talan shifted her until she sat on his lap. Exhausted, Lilly laid her head against his chest and asked, “Will it make people that angry all the time? My being with you and being human?”

“That was an incredibly extreme reaction,” Talan said. “I shouldn’t think so.”

“I really hope not. That was pretty intense,” she said.

“So was your reaction earlier. You froze up for a second. What was that about?”

“Her laugh,” she admitted. “It’s the same one I can’t get out of my head from when my family was attacked.”

“Weren’t they caught?”

Lilly nodded, and then said, “They were. I’ve been hearing that laugh in my nightmares for years, though. It threw me.”

“Do you think...” Talan trailed off.

“I don’t know, honestly. I heard some male voices I wouldn’t be able to identify and then her laugh. When they found two people, they eventually admitted to it and implicated the third. I didn’t ask questions. I assumed, but now I’m not sure.”

He took her hand and brushed his lips against her palm. “I’ll make some subtle inquiries to see if maybe she was in the area at the time. It’s a place to start.”

“You really don’t have to do that,” she said.

“She was a nasty piece of work, love. It would make me feel better to rule it out,” he admitted. “I take care of what’s mine.”

Instead of feeling objectified by his statement, she had to admit, it was kind of a turn on. She murmured, “I love you,” against his neck.