She saw the moment recognition slid over his face. He said, “You’re looking well, Miss,” as he pointed at the cheek that had been swollen.

She smiled and said, “I am. Thank you.”

Talan cleared his throat and the driver’s eyes shot back to him.

“Right this way,” he said, moving toward the door.

Once they both slid inside and the driver had closed the door, Lilly said, “That was kind of rude. He was just concerned about my well-being. He was the guy who drove me home the night of the mugging.”

“I know,” Talan said. “He’s my personal driver.”

Lilly whispered, “I think he may have been concerned at first that you’d been the one to hit me that night. He seemed incredibly relieved when I explained.”

“I would never,” Talan said in a harsh whisper.

“If you’re that polite to him all the time, you can see why he might wonder?”

Talan sighed and looked sullenly out the window for a moment before he raised the volume of his voice and asked the driver, “You have the addresses I sent you?”

“Yes, sir,” he said. “Was there a particular order in which you’d like me to pick the other parties up?”

“No, whatever you think is best,” he said. He added, “Thank you.”

He gave her a pointed look that said, “See? I’m being nice.”

Lilly giggled at his expression and then curled into his side.

“I would kiss you now, but I have no desire to wear that,” he said, gesturing at her lipstick.

“Smudge-proof for up to eight hours,” she informed him smugly.

Just before his lips touched hers, he said, “Oh, the wonders of modern technology.”

“Mm,” she sighed against his mouth as he leaned in to kiss her. There was something about this man that she found damned near addictive.

He nibbled on her bottom lip, then sucked it into his mouth, scraping his teeth along it gently. Every so often, he would nip it and then rub his tongue along it as if he was soothing her. He turned kissing into an art form.

She felt Talan lean over and then heard a soft mechanical whir. She pulled back and blinked at him, confused.

“Privacy screen, love

,” he said before he moved back in to press kisses along her jawline.

She tilted her head as his mouth worked its way down her neck. When his teeth ran over the bite marks, she heard his soft moan.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said as he kissed her neck, nipping and sucking at her until she squirmed with need.

The hand that had been holding her hip subtly moved to her thigh. When she let out a whimper of need, his hand gently stroked her inner thigh. Taking the hint, she spread her legs, giving him access to her pussy. His hand slid up to trace the edge of the thong she wore. She felt a new wave of arousal hit her as he rubbed his knuckles along her slit through her panties.

He lifted his mouth from her neck and said, “Push your skirt up for me love. Let me touch your soaked little pussy. I can feel it already. Your need. How wet you are for me. Do you have any fucking idea what that does to me?”

She groaned at his rough words and said, “Oh God, touch me, please.”

“Hmm. How shall I touch you? Tell me what you want me to do.”

Lilly had no experience with dirty talk. She felt awkward and had no idea what to say. In lieu of any idea how to do this, she just chose the direct approach and hoped it was acceptable.

“Slide your fingers under my panties. Stroke your fingers over my clit.”