He gazed with such sexual promise that she shivered in response. When he picked her up and settled her back on him again he said, “Ride me.”

She reached down, wrapped her palm around him and poised him at her opening. Lip caught between her teeth, Lilly slid down over him, sighing in pleasure as the feeling of emptiness left her. In this moment, with him buried inside her, watching her with those dark, soulful eyes, she had never felt more beautiful.

Once he was fully seated inside her, Talan moved his hands to her hips, guiding her up and down along his rigid shaft. “Yes,” he moaned.

Lilly began to roll her hips as she adjusted to the feel of him inside her. Once she began to more confidently guide the motion, Talan reached up and began to tease her nipples. Gasping, she cried out as pure unadulterated pleasure rushed through her system.

The motions were unfamiliar to her, but her body seemed to move on instinct. She worked her hips against his frantically, seeking the release that hovered just out of reach. Between the way his fingers pinched and pulled at the sensitive peaks of her breasts and the way his cock seemed to drag across every single nerve ending she possessed, she knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

When he reached down and rubbed his fingertips over her swollen clit, she moaned his name. Seconds later, her whole body went rigid as the swirling sensations finally reached their peak. She cried out as a million tiny explosions went off inside her. Lilly dug her nails into his chest, her body shuddering as she climaxed above him.

Talan watched, his thoughts written plainly over his face. If she hadn’t already known, she certainly would have now. She wasn’t just one of many. She was going to be the only one. The unmasked pleasure on his face made her certain of that.

Talan pulled her down to his chest and began to pump into her from below. She propped herself up on her arms and began to meet him thrust for thrust. She let out a gasp as his pelvis rocked against her clit. When her hair slid forward to curtain them, she shoved it back and over one shoulder.

Lilly saw the moment that his eyes shifted to her neck. When his incisors popped out, his movements stuttered for a moment and his facial expression changed. His mouth, once lax with pleasure, closed. In a flash, she realized he was trying to shield her from that part of himself.

She’d witnessed it a couple of times now. Despite the fact he had hidden it, she knew what he wanted. Maybe it was some primal desire thing. She didn’t know for certain. What she did know absolutely was that he would never ask her for it either.

The fact that he would give up something he wanted for her without any qualms was amazing. That was love though, right? The realization made her want to give him everything. Her voice was so husky that she barely recognized it when she said, “You can drink from me if you want.”

He gave her a startled look that turned into a moan. Even through his passion, he still studied her as if he was trying to read her mind. She could see the internal struggle written all over his face. Finally, he whispered, “I can’t.”

She was on the verge of another orgasm when she cried, “Talan. Drink from me. I want you to.”

Talan’s eyes darkened at her admission. He leaned up, slamming her down on his cock at the same time his incisors sank into her neck. Almost immediately, he shuddered to his own climax, moaning against her neck as he drank.

She was startled by the white hot sensation that ripped through her. The strange combination of pain and pleasure sent her senses reeling. She screamed out his name as her pussy clamped down on him. Wave after wave of pleasure battered her until she she felt wrung out from it.

When he released her neck, she collapsed onto his chest, complete dead weight. Snuggling into him, she made a contented sound that was almost a purr.

He shifted and regretfully said, “I need to get rid of the condom.”

She groaned unhappily as he left her body, then she moved to his side. She watched as he walked toward the bathroom, seemingly unaware of what the sight of him did to her. He was gone for a few moments. When he reappeared, she watched him unabashedly until he reached the bed.

He pulled back the covers and they both slid underneath. As soon as she had settled, he immediately placed her back on top of him. He said, “Better.”

She nuzzled into his neck and then relaxed. She felt the rumbling of his chest when he said, “You amaze me, love.”

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” she answered lazily, pressing her lips against his jawline. She was certain her body had never been this relaxed before. Her blood was beginning to slow, but she still felt the remnants of her release all the way to her toes.

“Thank you, but that’s not quite what I meant. Much as I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, I want to know why you let me drink from you. I won’t deny that I wanted to, but I know what you’ve been through. I never, ever would have asked that of you.”

She tilted her head up to look at him and saw his frown. Reaching up, she smoothed the wrinkles of his forehead and said, “It’s a part of you. If I can’t or won’t consider what that part of you wants, how can we possibly work, Talan?”

His eyes softened at her words. His voice husky with emotion, he said, “You’re absolutely fearless.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “Not fearless. I just fake it really well.”

He froze against her and said, “I don’t want you to fear me. That’s the last thing I want.”

“I don’t know all that much about you. I probably should be afraid of you. I’m not, though. Even when we first met, I was aware of you, but never afraid. Does that even make sense? I felt it the moment you walked into the room.”

“I know precisely what you mean,” he said. “The awareness flips on like a light switch whenever I’m with you. I’ve never felt anything like it. I feel as if we’re connected. It feels otherworldly.”

Lilly lay silently against his chest, considering what he’d just said. Before she could respond, he said, “God help me. I’m starting to sound like your strange little palm reading friend.”

“Don’t think I didn’t see that dirty look you gave him earlier, Talan,” Lilly said laughing. “He apologized to me at least six times. I think he may be slightly afraid of you now.”