Lilly melted into his embrace with a hum of contentment until eventually she said, “I need sleep or I’m going to be a zombie in class.”

Reluctantly, he let her go and they finished dressing. After a quick stop in the employee locker room, where she had stashed her coat, they walked out to her car. He kissed her thoroughly, and then watched as she slid into her car and drove away.

Ignoring the bitter cold, he walked slowly back toward the hotel. Even though he was thrilled to have taken the next step with Lilly, and to know she felt the same about him as he did her, that really just created an entirely different set of issues. How could things possibly work between them?

Chapter Nine

When Lilly finally got home after class, she groaned. Her muscles ached. As she trudged through the door, Marissa shouted, “Oh good. You’re home. I need details!”

Lilly set her backpack on the counter and said, “Just let me sleep. I didn’t even get home until almost five in the morning and then I had to be up at nine for a class. I’ll give you all the details you want after I nap.”

“Fine,” Marissa groused. Pointing, she added, “Those came for you, by the way.”

Lilly followed the direction of her finger. Her eyes widened when she took in the large vase filled with scarlet red lilies.

“Not the most original choice, but still pretty classy. I’m assuming you guys finally did the deed and he’s thanking you,” Marissa snarked.

Flushing, Lilly said, “Yes.”

“I knew it! Go nap. I’ll expect a full report while you’re getting ready for work.”

“Same goes,” Lilly said with a smirk. She plucked the card from the flowers and then trudged up stairs, opening it as she went. It read:


Thank you for a beautiful night.



She smiled as the warmth suffused her. He was incredibly thoughtful. Lilly set the alarm on her cell phone and slid under the covers, clothes and all. Talan was her last thought before she slept.


When Lilly walked into the sports bar later that evening, she was surprised to see that Marcus, her manager, was still there. She slid her book under the bar and said, “Hey Marcus. What are you still doing here?”

“Lilly, good. You’re here. Let’s have a quick chat before Caroline leaves for the night.”

Hesitantly she followed him into the back. When they had both settled in his office, he grinned and said, “It’s not bad. I promise.”

“Oh,” she said, letting out a small sigh of relief. “You had me worried.”

“It’s actually good news,” he said. “You remember the recent issues with the nightclub? The bartender that was arrested? Well, it turns out the night manager was involved as well.”

“How is that good news?”

“It leaves a job opening on the managerial team. Would you consider taking the job?”

“Why wouldn’t they promote from within the club?” Lilly asked.

“I dunno,” he said, shrugging. “This came from up—way up. I can’t say that I entirely disagree, though. You’ve got way too much experience to be here tending bar, based on what I’ve seen.”

Biting her lip, she said, “Thanks. So what exactly does the night manager job entail? I mean, hours and such.”

“It’s basically the same hours you’re working now. You’d be monitoring the bartenders, scheduling...”

Lilly tuned him out for moment as she realized that this had Talan written all over it. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that they’d be discussing this at length. Did he have any clue how it would look if people realized they were dating?