“I’ve done other things, just...not this.

“Would you prefer we stopped?” he asked.

His voice was so carefully modulated and she was unable to read his expression, so she shook her head no and then asked, “Would you?”

He was silent for so long that she began to shift underneath him. Finally he said, “No, Lilly. I want you. I just don’t want to take something you’re not entirely sure you’re ready to give.”

Relief swept through Lilly as she said, “I’m sure.”

Talan brushed his lips over hers, his eyes full of emotion. “You humble me with your gift, little one.”

She felt an unfamiliar feeling in her chest for a moment. Trying to breathe past it, she said, “Be with me, Talan.”

Silently, he reached over to the nightstand and searched briefly for a condom. His voice gruff, he said, “We don’t carry disease, but pregnancy is still an issue.”

She watched as he knelt between her thighs and stroked a hand over his cock. He tore open the package, and then rolled the condom over his length.

He situated himself between her thighs, his thick erection poised at her opening, and said, “I’m sorry. This will hurt for a moment.”

Lilly felt the press of his cock against her as he slid inside her. There was a brief resistance followed by a sharp, searing pain. Talan froze inside her, his mouth whispering, “I’m so sorry,” as he pressed light kisses against her lips.

As the pain receded, she felt a fullness that she’d never experienced before. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant either. Experimentally, she wiggled her hips against his.

Slowly, he withdrew and then slid back into her. This time, there wasn’t as much pain. The longer he moved, the pain became a dull memory, replaced by a delicious friction as his cock rubbed against her inner walls.

He groaned and said, “You feel so amazing, little one. Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head as he began to push into her in long, slow strokes. “No. Not anymore,” she said, raising her hips to meet his.

His lids were heavy with desire as he began to increase the pace of his thrusts. Each press of his pelvis against hers nudged against her still-sensitive clit. It caused the familiar blooming sensation low in her belly that had her clutching at his shoulders and rubbing herself against him with every stroke.

He groaned her name and then began to speak to her in a language she couldn’t understand. She could tell that whatever he said was clearly some term of endearment. She would have to ask him about it later.

As if he could somehow tell that she was capable of rational thought, he gruffly commanded, “Wrap your legs around me.” When she complied, he sunk into her once more and then added, “Yes. Like that.”

This new angle allowed him to go even deeper. On the next thrust she cried out as the sensations that had been ricocheting through her body intensified. Lilly felt as though she were on fire.

“Talan,” she cried out, overwhelmed once again with the things he was doing to her body. The hand that lay next to her head on the bed fisted in her hair. Her eyes shot open. The sting of his grip only added to the pleasurable sensations that coursed through her body.

“Let me watch,” he groaned. “I want to see you let go for me.”

Eyes open, she came apart beneath him as if somewhere, some high tension wire had snapped. She cried out and dug her nails into his shoulders as the pleasure pulsed through her so rapidly she could barely breathe.

Talan began to move his hips more rapidly in response to her cries. A moment later, he stiffened above her, crying out again in the unfamiliar language as he found his own release. When he settled briefly against her, she stroked a hand down his sweat-slicked back. She winced slightly as he pulled out of her. When he moved off of the bed, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

She watched as he went into what she assumed was a bathroom, then laid her head back down. That, she acknowledged, had far surpassed any expectation she’d had for the event. She ached, but at least now she understood what all of the fuss was about.

When Talan walked out of the bathroom, she took a moment to look him over. He was so beautifully put together. As she’d suspected, he was all hard muscles and ridges. His pale skin was smooth and he had a very light smattering of hair on his chest. He was an absolute pleasure to look at.

A look of tenderness on his face, he moved to where she lay on the bed and used a hand to gently part her thighs. He

cleaned her with a warm washcloth. Despite his gentleness, she felt a slight twinge when he drug it over her sensitive flesh. He must have seen her reaction because he frowned. Without a word, he walked back into the bathroom. A moment later she heard water beginning to run. He stepped out of the bathroom and then moved back onto the bed with her.

“It’s going to take a few minutes, but I’m running a bath for you.”

She curled up to his side and placed a soft kiss against his cheek. “Thank you,” she said. “That was pretty amazing.”

Unreadable emotion flickered in his eyes as he gazed at her. His voice was stilted when he said, “Thank you.”