Twenty-five very annoying minutes later, Talan was finally able to hang up. Normally he didn’t have a problem with the fact that Lachlan liked to gossip like an old maid. Tonight he didn’t have the patience for it, though. He knew he had been short with him, and he’d probably need to apologize for it.

He strode from the office and said, “Gillian, hold my calls, please.”

When his efficient assistant nodded and went back to her typing, he punched the button for the elevator.


He had been waylaid by no less than four more individuals on the way to the club. Granted, it had been for totally valid reasons, but it slowed his trip to see Lilly by over an hour. He could only hope she hadn’t gone home.

As he stepped into the dance club, the bass thumped heavily. He scanned the crowd at the tables and the bar but didn’t see her there. He couldn’t see the entire floor from this vantage point, so he climbed up the stairs to the observation deck. His eyes searched through the thick crowds, disappointment filling his system when he didn’t see her. He was about to give up when he spotted her. The way her form lithely moved to the music made him appreciate house music for the first time in his existence.

Several men danced near and around her. Even though she wasn’t engaging with any of them, he still felt a flare of jealousy. Quickly he hurried down the stairs and pushed his way through the throngs of sweaty, dancing people until he reached the general area where she was. She was a few feet away, her body moving along with the music. He came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. She tensed for a moment and then relaxed into him and said, “You better be careful. My boyfriend’s on his way over here.”

Talan began to move his body along with hers as he leaned in, nipping at her earlobe. “I’m sure I could take him,” he said in her ear.

In answer, Lilly gave a slight shiver, then twisted in his arms to face him and said, “I had almost given up on you.”

“I got caught by five different people on my way here,” he explained in apology. “Having a good time?”

“I’m having a better time now,” she said. “Are you able to stay?”

In answer he nodded and said, “I don’t have any other meetings scheduled. Would you like me to stay? I thought this was…” What had she called it? “A girls’ night out?”

“I’m pretty sure Marissa made a friend,” Lilly said dryly, pointing to a blond woman who was very heavily making out with someone on a couch a few feet away.

“Tell your friend that you’re leaving and then come upstairs with me,” he said, his thoughts immediately turning wicked.

“Oh really,” she asked, a teasing note in her voice.

The look he gave her must have been convincing enough because she scurried over to her friend. After a short conversation, which ended in her pointing to him, the woman nodded and gave a wave. By the time Lilly returned, the woman had gone back to her new friend.

Lilly slipped her hand into his and said, “Let’s go.”

Giving her hand a squeeze, Talan navigated toward the exit. When they pushed through the throngs of people, he let go of her hand and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. He was pleased when she wrapped an arm around his waist.

When they stepped out into the hotel again, he didn’t bother to release her. He just steered them both to the bank of elevators. He pressed the button and guided her toward the set of doors that opened. Removing his wallet, he slid it over the security panel that gave access to the penthouse. Then he turned to look at her and asked, “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

“I had a mixed drink a few hours ago. Why?” she asked, confused.

He shifted, pressed her back against the wall of the elevator, and lowered his mouth until it hovered just a breath above hers. “I didn’t want to take advantage.”

Her gaze went heavy-lidded with arousal as she pressed herself against him. “You’re not. I’ve never wanted anyone so much.”

Seconds before he kissed her, he murmured, “Me neither.”

He crushed his mouth down on hers, feeling the same overwhelming need swamp him that he felt the very first time they kissed. When he told her he’d never wanted anyone so much, that hadn’t been an exaggeration. Her firm little body pressed up against his was driving him insane. He couldn’t wait to get her into his apartment to see what she wore under that delightfully tiny outfit she had on.

As their tongues stroked and swirled against each other, he let his hands roam down to rest on her ass. When she let out a soft moan, he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him. He pinned her body to the wall of the elevator and ground his erection against the vee of her thighs. He tore his mouth from hers, letting out a hungry groan of his own. Need filled him as he moved his lips along her jawline, licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh. Her legs tightened around him and she pressed her hips against him. “Talan,” she moaned, tilting her head back against the wall of the elevator.

He could smell her arousal already. In a haze of lust, when the doors opened, he strode down the hall toward his door with her still clinging to him like a vine. He fiddled with the lock, impatient to get inside her, and he finally managed to open the door.

As they walked inside he said, “If you’re not ready to do this, now would be a good time to let me know, Lilly. I’m about two seconds from taking you against the front door like an animal.”

Chapter Seven

Lilly stared at him, panting wildly, as he very gracefully offered her an out. When she was finally able to form words again, she said, “I invited you upstairs on our first date. I’m past ready, Talan.”

In response, Talan buried his face in the side of her neck. She let out a sigh when his tongue began to trace circles against her pulse. Her eyes slid closed as she savored the feeling of his hot mouth against her skin. She felt the vague sensation of movement and a slight breeze. When her eyes opened, she realized he had moved them to another room. He stood at the foot of a very large bed. She unwrapped her legs from his waist and stood in front of him. His eyes very nearly glowed with intensity as he watched.