So, instead of pulling her panties down with my teeth and burying my face between her legs, I gritted my teeth and ran the pad of my thumb across her cheek. “Make it quick, they’ll be here soon.”

I slipped through the door and strode down the hall just in time to see the front door open, Georgia stumbling inside on mile high heels, her arms full of bags.

“Little help here!” she shouted.

I made it to her just in time to catch the bag of wine. “Ever heard of making two trips?” I sniped, pulling more bags from her hands.

She tossed her hair and followed me into the kitchen. “Two trips is for sissies.”

I shot her a look. “One trip where you spill everything is for lazies.”

She laughed and began pulling to-go containers from their bags. “Lazies? That’s not a word.”

I finished helping her unload her goodies and marveled at the amount of stuff that was now occupying all the space on my kitchen table. “Where’s Hampton?”

“He’s coming. Had to grab the board games from Mom’s on the way here.” She glanced over her shoulder and when she was satisfied that Piper wasn’t within earshot, leaned forward and dropped her voice. “How is she?”

I shook my head and grabbed a beer from the box it was in. “Not good. I don’t think she got off the couch at all today. If she did, she did a pretty good job repositioning herself in exactly the same spot she was in when I locked myself in my office this morning.” I took a swig of the amber liquid and finished. “I had to undress her and practically shove her in the shower just now.”

Georgia’s green eyes were soft, the concern spilling over into the tight draw of her mouth. “I just don’t understand it.”

I drained the rest of my beer and dropped the bottle in the trash can, immediately pulling another from the box. “Me neither, Georgie.”

The front door opened again, this time Hampton striding in with Smith behind him, a stack of board games so high I could barely make out the top of his head. “Party’s here!” Hampton shouted, slinging the door closed behind him once Smith had made it inside. When he made no move to help his husband, I rushed over and grabbed half the stack of games.

Smith gave me a tight smile and then cut his eyes at his husband and grumbled, “Maybe I married the wrong Reed brother.”

Hampton blew him a kiss and said with a wink, “Lawson’s ass is already filled with a stick. No room for you there.”

“God, Ha

m, you are so crude! You can’t say that!” Georgia scolded. She glanced over at where I was now also glaring at Hampton and giggled. “Even if you are right.”

I dropped the stack of board games on one of my kitchen counters. “Hardy har har. Yuk it up, you two.”

I jerked my chin at the group and nodded toward the kitchen. When they followed me in, I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Listen, no questions about everything that’s going on.” I was answered with a trio of nods. “I mean it.” I pinned Hampton with a stare. “You especially. No talk about doctoring, okay?”

Hampton barked a laugh. “Doctoring? What the fuck is that exactly? Is that similar to computering?”

I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean. Just don’t talk about anything at all that could upset her, okay?”

Hampton’s playful expression sobered and he asked, “That bad?”

I lifted my chin. “You have no idea.”

The concern in his eyes took on a different meaning, and I swear I saw hurt in the depths of his green eyes. “You’re right, I don’t have any idea. She won’t answer my calls or texts.” He jerked a thumb at his partner and grumbled, “I only know she’s alive because this one’s managed to get a reply from her.”

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t take it personally. I live with her and don’t have any idea what’s going on in her head these days.”

I looked through the stack of games and groaned. “Did you really bring Mouse Trap? And what the hell is Back Off Buzzard? Jesus, when I said game night, I was thinking poker. Not a bunch of games we played when we were eight.”

“What better way to get her mind off things than to bring back a little nostalgia?” Smith chimed. “I personally love Ker-Plunk.”

“Do I smell Thai?” Piper asked from the end of the hall, her voice bright.

In unison we all turned and I was shocked to see that she was not only dressed in something other than ratty yoga pants, but her eyes were bright and a genuine smile was spread across her face. It was the best I’d seen her look since she’d come home, and a bit of relief coursed through my veins.

I knew what she needed was to be surrounded by the people who loved her. “Georgia brought all your favorites,” I told her warmly and then cut my eyes to my brother. “Hampton, however, failed on his job.”