As my gaze roved over her face, I saw her eyes were once again sparkling, but this time it wasn’t from unshed tears. I placed a light kiss on her lips, brushing them gently, a stark contrast from the rough kisses we’d just shared.
“I love you,” I told her, my voice gravelly with emotion. “I have loved you since you were an annoying kid. I loved you through those awkward middle school years. Although, it was just me who was awkward. You’ve always been beautiful.” I stroked my finger down her cheek. “I loved you even when you thought I was an overbearing asshole. I loved you every single day I was in Vegas trying to convince myself I didn’t love you. I loved you when you moved into my house and reminded me of all the reasons I did in fact love you. I loved you so much I thought I would explode from it when you kissed me for the first time.” I dipped my head and grazed her earlobe with my teeth. When she shivered, I soothed the spot with my tongue and then whispered, “I love you, Piper Kelley.”
Her fingers dug into my shoulders as she rolled her hips into my aching dick. I wanted her, needed to feel her, more than ever before. Silently, I wished she would hurry up and put me out of my misery.
And as though she could read my mind, she turned her head and with her lips at my ear, became my own personal genie in a bottle. “I’m a liar. You are getting some tonight.”
“You don’t have to come with me, you know,” I told him as I pulled the brush through my hair. I’d been dressed and ready to go for half an hour, but I was so nervous I couldn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror.
Lawson didn’t reply, just wrinkled his brow at my reflection over my shoulder.
I shook my head. “Really, you have a job. I can’t k
eep asking you to take time off for me.”
“I don’t recall you asking me.”
I rolled my eyes. When I told him that the attorney needed to see me today, he’d basically just informed me he was going. “As a matter of fact, you’re right, I didn’t ask. What if I didn’t want you to go with me?”
“Too bad.”
It had been three days since his car accident. We’d spent the following day in bed, talking and laughing and kissing. He’d told me he loved me close to a thousand times that day, making up for all the years he’d thought it but hadn’t been able to say the words aloud. And every time the words left his lips, my heart would swell and the cliché butterflies I was afraid I would never get to experience would flutter away in my belly. I didn’t think I’d ever tire of hearing him say it. And I knew he wouldn’t ever ask me to stop replying with the same words.
But, along with the declarations of love, was a lot of talk about my case and what Lawson was doing to try and get my name cleared. It seemed like something in him had shifted, and he was no longer content to stand by and let someone else take the lead. I was beginning to feel sorry for the lawyer who had agreed to take my case.
Which led us to where we were standing, getting ready to go talk to the attorney for the first time, Lawson going alpha dog on me. “And while we’re there, you let me do the talking.”
I blinked at him. “Let you do the talking?”
He gave me a curt nod and then turned on his heel, stalking to the door. “Let’s go.”
“You’ve gotten so bossy the last few days,” I said as I slid out of the car door he was holding open for me.
He winked. “I can think of a few times you loved it when I bossed you around.”
I gave him a small smile and pushed at his shoulder. “Is that all you think about, pervert?”
He caught my hand and brought my fingers to his lips, brushing a kiss across my knuckles before lacing his fingers through mine. His strong, steady hand helped stop the trembling of my own and I leaned into his side.
I was thankful he was here, telling me what to do. I was a bundle of nerves and I didn’t think I could think clearly enough to do this on my own. The attorney sounded grim over the phone, and I was terrified of what news I was about to walk in to.
Lawson released my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, curling me in even closer to his warmth. As he kissed the top of my head he murmured, “I also think about how beautiful you are when you get out of the shower and your cheeks are pink from the skin scalding temperature you bathe in. When I’m sitting at my desk staring at all the monitors in front of me, I think about how much you tease me for being a geek.” He leaned his lips next to my ear and whispered, “The joke’s on you, though, ’cause I was just named Sexiest Geek Alive by some magazine.”
I laughed and he stood upright again and continued.
“When I pick up one of your crazy socks that’s on my bedroom floor, I think about what a pain in my ass you are.”
“Hey now!” I protested. “I’ve gotten a lot better about that. Most of the socks make it to the laundry hamper these days. Besides, you should be glad my socks are on your bedroom floor. Means I’m in your bed.”
“If the entire bathroom’s been turned into the laundry hamper and I didn’t know it, then I guess you may have a point there.” He angled his body toward mine and brought his other arm up to box me in against the car. His mouth had the tiniest of smirks lingering, but his eyes were sincere. “Every night, when I fall asleep with you in my bed, I think about what a lucky son of a bitch I am. And when I think about how brilliant you are, it makes my chest feel as though it may burst from pride.” His hands left the car and cupped my cheeks. He dipped his chin until we were eye to eye and it was an effort to not hold my breath as he said, “You’re not going to be forced to give up your dream. I don’t care what that guy in there says, I’m promising you right here that I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.”
“Taking care of me, just like you always have, huh?” I murmured, my eyes shining with tears that for the first time in weeks weren’t from despair and hopelessness.
“Damn right.” He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, but when he tried to pull away I looped my arms around his waist and anchored him in place, kissing him hard.