It was pathetically plain for everyone to see. Everyone, it seemed, except for Piper. I’d spent years working to hide my feelings from her, and apparently I’d done a damn good job. So good, in fact, that she’d been convinced I hated her. The only person I hated was the guy who had run away to Vegas thinking that nothing but a little space and time would make me forget her. Forget my feelings.
All I’d done in Vegas was lie to myself.
But I was done with the pretending that I didn’t come alive the moment Piper’s lips met mine for the first time.
I was over hiding the fact that when she spoke to me, I couldn’t stop myself from getting lost in the sweet melody of her voice.
I refused to act like her every touch, her every smile, her every kiss didn’t turn me inside out.
It was time I manned up and told her the truth.
That she was mine and always had been, because I was so in love with her that my bones had ached for eight years whenever I thought about how close I’d been to confessing my feelings for her that night we’d slow danced on my front lawn.
The truth was, Piper was my everything. Had been since the moment I’d laid eyes on her. And I was finally ready to let her know.
Right on cue, Piper walked through the door. She dropped her keys on the table and grabbed the stack of mail I’d set down when I’d come in. Thumbing through it, she shuffled over to where I was waiting for her in the kitchen.
“Hey, Law,” she murmured, her eyes still trained on the envelopes in her hand.
I dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Hey, Pippie.”
She paused, a quiet “oh” passing through her lips as she dropped the stack of mail on the table. Holding on to one envelope, she ripped it open and pulled the single sheet of paper out.
I stepped back and watched as her eyes scanned the paper, her face expressionless. Her gaze jumped to mine and then back to the paper as her face broke into a wide smile.
Squealing, she threw her arms around my neck and jumped, wrapping her legs around my waist. I had no choice but to catch her, my arms looping around her waist and under her ass.
“I got in!” she shrieked in my ear. “Oh my God, Lawson, I got in.”
She dropped her legs and I set her down. Her eyes were wet, and her face was red. “Holy crap,” she breathed, “I actually got in.”
I smiled, my brow wrinkled. “Got in where?”
She waved the paper at me. “The top residency program in the country for pediatrics.”
“That’s amazing!” I shouted, wrapping my arms around her and crushing her to my chest. I kissed her hard, excited for her.
When I pulled away she was breathless, still exuberant over the good news. “I thought I’d bombed the interview, I was so nervous. Not to mention, apparently I was about to come down with the killer flu. Maybe I wasn’t nervous at all, maybe I was just sick and that was why I’d felt like it hadn’t gone well.”
“You’re brilliant. I’m sure they saw that, no matter how nervous or close to death you were.”
Her smile fell and her face paled. “Crap,” she murmured.
“What is it?”
Her eyes lifted to mine. “What about us?”
My brow furrowed. “What about us?” I asked.
“This hospital is in Philadelphia.”
“Oh.” Her meaning hit me and I was instantly deflated. Philly was over six hundred miles from here. “When do you start?”
She looked back at the now wrinkled paper she was still clutching in her hand. “It says August. So, two weeks.”
Two weeks.
We’d only been together a month and now, in less than two weeks she was going to be across the country.