When I noticed him eyeballing me, I popped a brow. “Were you done with this?”

He dipped his chin. “Guess so.”

I took another bite and through a mouthful of dough mumbled, “Sorry. I’m not even hungry, I just wanted to nibble.”

Lawson pulled the remainder of the crust from my hand and dropped it on the table before he pulled me into his side. He grabbed his phone and held it out in front of us, the front facing camera on us. “Say cheese.”

“Ugh! Wait, I’m not—” I didn’t finish before he snapped the most unflattering picture of me ever taken. My mouth was open, with half chewed crust showing in the corner, and somehow one of my eyes was half closed while the other was wide-open.

“Perfect,” he breathed.

“Are you serious? I look like Quasimodo!” I tried to snatch the phone from his hand, but he pulled away too fast for me. I lunged for it again, but missed and landed on his chest.

“You have to delete that.” I panted, still trying to wrangle the phone away from him.

He shook his head. “Not a chance.” He turned the screen back to me. “Look how good I look!” He wasn’t lying, it was a damn good picture of him, which only served to make me look even more ridiculous.

I let out a strangled cry and made one last attempt to wrestle the phone away from him and save myself the embarrassment. I wasn’t even sure if Lawson had any social media accounts, but I had to imagine he did, and I would have rather died a thousand painful deaths than have that picture of me plastered all over them.

Lawson dropped his phone over the end of the couch, effectively ending my pathetic attempts to reach it, and brought his arm back to wrap around me.

It was when he slid me up his broad chest that I realized the position I was in. Laid out, my breasts pressed against him, our hips even with each other, his face inches away from mine.

“This couldn’t have worked out better if I’d planned it,” Lawson quipped from his position beneath me.

I agreed.

Lying on him, with those arms that were no longer just two sticks on the side of his body wrapped around me, my stomach began to flip. My heart raced as all the possible scenarios of how this could play out ran through my mind.

We could just lie here and cuddle, watching whatever dumb movie he picked.

Or we could make out, which would possibly lead to something more…

Did I want that?

Yes. Yes, I absolutely did.

But it would change things for good, I argued to myself.

Mmm-hmm. It would. But I wanted that change.

I wanted to be with Lawson.

The revelation didn’t hit me like a ton of bricks. No, the realization that I wanted to be with him had been dawning on me slowly, day by day since he’d confessed his feelings for me.

I felt his fingertips running lightly up and down my back. “Hey, you okay? I was just kidding.”

My eyes were still screwed shut, but I nodded emphatically. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m…more than okay,” I whispered, letting my lids slowly open.

His warm brown eyes were studying my face so intently that it made me squirm.

What was he seeing? I needed to know. “What are you looking at?” I asked quietly.

His lips, that I’d never imagined would be as soft as they were, tipped up. “The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he whispered back.

The butterflies returned, this time ten-fold. “When’d you get so smooth, Lawson Maxwell Reed?”

“Don’t you know, I’ve always been smooth like buttah.”