Piper laughed. “I doubt that. He’s never failed at anything in his life.”
She paused long enough to kiss Hampton and Smith each on their cheeks and then wrapped her arms around Georgia in a tight squeeze.
“He was in charge of supplying the games for game night.” I waved a hand toward the stack of boxes. “He took it upon himself to raid Mom’s toy closet apparently.”
She came to a stop beside me and her gaze roamed the games, lighting up as she said, “Ohhh…I love Back Off Buzzard! Can we play that one first?”
Smith beamed and Hampton smirked, his face smug as he quipped, “Now who’s the failure?”
I ignored them both and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, leaning close enough that my lips grazed her ear. “Hey, you.” Her response was to push to her toes, kissing me noisily on the mouth.
“I will never get used to seeing that.” Georgia pivoted on the ball of her foot and stalked out of the kitchen. “I need a drink. Hampton? Smith?”
They both took the hint and followed her into the other room, leaving me alone with a transformed Piper. “You look…”
“Less like a zombie and more like an actual human being again?”
I shook my head. “No, that’s not what I was going to say.”
“It’s what you were thinking, though.” Her lips were tipped in a smile.
I pulled her against my chest and pulled in a deep breath through my nose, letting her scent fill my lungs. “You were the hottest zombie I’ve ever seen.”
She laughed. A real laugh. One I felt all the way to the bottom of my feet. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Hey, we gonna eat and play these games or are you two gonna make out in the kitchen all night long?” Hampton shouted from the table. “I won’t judge you, but I also won’t save you any pad Thai. So, get your asses out here.”
“You better not touch my noodles!” Piper shot back over her shoulder. She turned to join the rest of our family at the table, but I caught her hand.
“Love you, Pippie,” I whispered.
She squeezed my fingers. “Love you too, Law.”
“We get it,” Georgia quipped. “You’re in love. Jesus, you’re gonna make me lose my appetite. Come on already.”
Piper laughed again, and with our hands still joined, led me to the kitchen table.
“How did you know?” Piper asked, her words just a bit slurred.
I turned, pulling the covers up to my waist, and faced her. “How did I know what?”
She continued to lie on her back, her eyes closed, her brow wrinkled. “How did you know I needed tonight?”
“Ah. Well.” I paused, not exactly sure what to say. She took the break in my words as an opportunity to speak again.
“You just get me. It’s like you’re inside my head. You know what I need when even I don’t know it.” Her eyes flew open and she turned to face me. “How do you get me so well, when no one else does?”
The sheet had slipped down when she turned, revealing the smooth swell of her breast under the cotton tank top she’d changed into before sliding into my bed. She didn’t even bother to get into her own tonight, just followed me down the hall and climbed right into mine.
Well, more like tripped over her own two feet and then collapsed onto my bed in a fit of laughter.
I quirked an eyebrow at her and said, “Plenty of people get you.”
She frowned as she shook her head. “Nope. Not like you do.” Flopping onto her back, she threw her arm out to the side and smacked me in the face.
She apologized, but it was hard to take it seriously when she giggled throughout the whole thing. “You know, you never even asked me if I did it.”