I groaned and then pulled up the web browser on my phone. I’d recently started pricing out flights home, hoping that one day I’d find the magical combination of affordability and perfect timing. I didn’t have more than two days in a row off from the hospital, so I’d had about as much luck as I would have if I’d been searching for Bigfoot.
I had a break coming up in a couple months. I’d just have to find a way to survive until then.
Lawson: Remember when you lied to me before leaving?
I was lying in bed, trying to get the memories of Lawson’s hands on my body out of my head. But no matter what I did, every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was the way his eyes burned with a passion that had caused my heart to stutter when he entered me for the first time.
Me: Lied to you? About what?
Lawson: You said a year would fly by. This has been the longest year of my life.
Me: It’s been three months.
Lawson: Exactly!
Me: I miss you too.
Lawson: What is it that you miss the most? My geekish charm? Perhaps
my impeccable taste in movies? My expert mouth?
Yes. All those things. I missed every last bit of Lawson. Even his nagging to close the cabinet doors. But if I told him that, it would just make us both feel worse. And while this separation sucked, it was what I had to do.
Me: I miss you feeding me. I’ve lived on ramen noodles for the last week.
Lawson: 269 more days.
I dropped the phone back on the counter and squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to go to sleep. I had a shift in a few hours that I needed to get sleep for. But Lawson’s blazing eyes refused to let me go.
Logically, I knew I would survive the rest of my residency. But my chest ached every time I looked at the calendar and saw how far away the end really was. I sighed and turned to my side, pulling up my web browser to check flights for what was probably the hundredth time since I’d gotten here.
“Earth to Reed.” Pieters snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts.
Thoughts of Piper.
I’d spent eight years pining over her while I was in Vegas and it seemed like just the blink of an eye compared to the last four months she’d been in Philadelphia.
I thought it would be easier to let her go this time. When I was in Vegas, we didn’t talk or see each other. But this time would be different because I talked to her or messaged with her every day.
But I’d been wrong.
It had been easier when I wasn’t talking to her. Out of sight, out of mind and all. But the text messages that were sweet and funny and 100 percent the Piper I was in love with just made me want her more. To be able to touch her. To wake up and find she’d crawled into my bed in the middle of the night.
Now that I’d had her, I needed her here.
I shook my head. “Sorry, man.”
Pieters smirked. “Thinking about your girl again?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I snapped.
“Man, you’ve been staring at her picture on your phone for the last five minutes.”
I groaned and hit the home button, causing my screen to go black. I had been staring at her face, willing her plump lips to move and tell me she was coming home.