I’d wanted to go slowly, to immerse myself in the way every movement felt, the way her pleasure tasted, the way her moans echoed around the room. But she urged me to move faster, harder, with more intensity than I’d ever felt before.

My lips still at her ear, I asked, “Is this what you want?”

She shivered as she replied, “You’re what I want.”

For years I’d wondered what it would feel like, to be inside her. It was nothing I’d ever imagined, because there was no way to anticipate it would feel new and exhilarating at the same time as being comfortable and so fucking right. It was like learning to ride a bike for the first time and coming home after an extended vacation simultaneously.

Her nails scraped my back. My teeth nipped her neck. Our bodies moved together as one and soon she was moaning my name again.

“Lawson.” It was a strangled cry on her lips as her head fell back. Her muscles clenched around my dick, her release pulsing around me, pushing me even closer to my own.

I drove into her, gritting my teeth as I buried my face into her neck, every thrust harder than the last.

“God, yes,” she moaned, her fingers threaded through my hair and holding tight as her hips rose to meet every one of my thrusts.

My own release slammed through me, my body shuddering with every pump. As my body stilled, the only sounds in the room were those of our ragged breaths and my pounding heart.

Piper’s fingers against my scalp flexed and I tilted my neck back. Her eyes were bright, a wry grin across her face. “Let’s do that again. But this time, it’s my turn to do the growling.”

I barked out a laugh, kissing her soundly. “I’ve never been able to tell you no. I’m not going to start now.”

She returned my laugh, her eyes sparkling, not knowing how honest that statement really was.

I’d been wrong earlier. I’d not only gone under, but I was so far down, I didn’t know I’d ever make it back to the surface.

And I didn’t care.

Because, I hadn’t gone under alone this time. She’d slipped into the water by my side. And I’d do whatever it cost to keep her with me.



The sunlight filtered through the blinds, one of the white stripes falling directly over my face. I was going to have to get curtains for Lawson’s room. For the last two weeks, I’d been awoken by the sun more times than I could count. Ordinarily it would have made me grouchy, but rolling over in to a wall of muscle that belonged to Lawson always made the irritation vanish instantly.

Lawson stirred and then wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his chest. His voice gravelly as he murmured, “Mornin’, Pippie.”

I sighed and wiggled in closer to him. “Mornin’, Law,” I whispered, inhaling the delicious smell of him.

With my fingertips, I traced the curve of his jawline, his stubble rough. When I ran my thumb over his lips, he kissed it and opened his eyes.

We lay there in the quiet of the morning, just taking each other in.

I stretched my legs and then tangled my feet with his and he chuckled. “What are you laughing about?”

“You’re naked in my bed. Which, by the way, had been my fantasy for years. But what I didn’t ever envision was that you’d be wearing knee high socks.” He ran his toe along the arch of my foot.

“My feet get cold at night,” I argued. “Although, the amount of body heat you put off at night is enough to warm an entire village in Alaska. I think I sweated more last night than the summer your dad was determined to teach us all how to cut the grass.”

He chuckled at the memory and then arched a brow. “You climbed into my bed, remember?”

I pushed my lower lip out into a pout. “You want me to stay in my own bed?”

“Fuck no,” he growled. “I’m just trying to give you space. You’ve been kind of…quiet the last couple of days.”

I pulled my lip in between my teeth.

The last two weeks with Lawson had been amazing. Better than amazing, each day had been better than the last.