Piper pushed back to her feet and looked between us. “Girl problems, huh? You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone.”

Still rubbing my head, I grumbled, “I’m not.”

I winced and the confusion on Piper’s face quickly changed to concern. “Seriously, come sit down, let me look at your head.” She was all business, her medical training taking over, and she pushed me toward the couch. I sat down and let her poke and prod my head, all the while trying to ignore the way her fingers felt sifting through my hair.

She squatted down in front of me and pulled a penlight out of her scrub pocket, shining her light in my eyes. I tried to look away, but she grunted at me, pulling my attention back to her eyes.

I’d forgotten what a brilliant shade of blue they were, and the longer she checked my eyes, the more time I had to study them, to see the flecks of gold that were scattered through the clear blue. She continued to look me over, her face just mere inches from mine, and I could feel her soft breaths on my cheeks.

I wondered what she’d do if I leaned in, just a few inches, and brushed my lips over hers. Would she sigh, letting her lids flutter shut and lean into me? Throw her arms around my neck and melt into my body as I pulled her close and continued to explore her mouth, tasting her, the way I’d wanted to for the last ten years?

She stopped shining the light into my eyes but didn’t move away. We stayed that way, staring into each other’s eyes, for another moment, and I swear to Christ I saw her body begin to sway

toward mine. My heart began to gallop as her eyes did in fact flutter shut.


I cleared my throat and her eyes snapped open. My voice was gravelly as I asked, “Am I going to live?”

“Ah, yeah.” Her voice was hoarse and she quickly cleared the emotion away.

I pushed off the couch and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. Her body was close to mine, too close, and I suddenly needed some air. “Told you I was fine.”

I slid past her, careful to make sure that no part of me touched her, and headed down the hall. “Georgia, you can let yourself out. I’ve got an early morning.”

It probably made me a pussy, but I couldn’t be in the same room with either of them any more tonight. I needed a shower, a cold one, and about a week to get my head screwed back on straight. What the fuck was wrong with me? I almost kissed her, in front of my sister. Jesus.

As I slammed the door shut, angry at myself, I heard Piper ask, “What was that all about?”

Georgia giggled in response and I hauled ass to my bathroom to keep from hearing whatever embarrassing shit she was about to spill.

I was in fact a fucking pussy.



“Ah…this is just what I needed,” I said on an exhale. “Oh, yeah, right there,” I murmured as the massage therapist’s fingers dug into my shoulders. “God, yes.”

“Are you about to get a happy ending, Pip?” Hampton asked, eliciting a chuckle from Smith.

We were lined up in the massage room, face down on the beds, in the midst of a couple’s massage. Well, a threesome’s massage.

“Maybe I am,” I retorted, my giggle fading into another moan. Andrew, the massage therapist assigned to me, expertly rubbed the tension out of my muscles and I couldn’t stop the groans of pleasure that had been escaping my lips for the last half hour.

“If you think this is good, just wait until we get to the pedicures. Melinda rubs your feet so well, I’ve thought about switching teams just for her,” Smith chirped from the other end of the room.

“You know you aren’t interested in giving up what I can do for you.” Hampton chuckled. I couldn’t see his face, but I could almost guarantee that line had been accompanied by a wink. Modesty was never his strong point.

“If Smith has any more connections like these, I’m gonna work on stealing him from you,” I quipped.

I’d really been missing my best friend the last few weeks, in serious need of some girl time, and someone to talk to about Lawson. When Hampton had invited me to a spa day, I’d jumped at the chance to relax. He hadn’t mentioned that Smith would be accompanying us, and even though I was disappointed that I wouldn’t have him all to myself, I’d been able to relax. I’d even found myself giggling at Smith, glad to have this time to really get to know him better.

The therapist finished his massage, much to my disappointment, and advised us to get dressed and move on to phase two of the day: mani/pedis.

Once we were settled into our chairs, our feet soaking in the bubbling hot water, I leaned forward, asking Smith, “How the heck did you get us in here? This place stays booked months in advance.”

Smith winked, his eyes twinkling, and said, “I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”