The two voices warred in my head, but I refused to be a Debbie Downer. After all, I had only told Pippa, Victoria, and Alice, not everyone in the family, even though telling the entire clan would take a small PR announcement.

“Mrs. Statham, how about I bring you a coffee while you wait for Winston?”

I hoped that my tone indicated my lips were sealed.

“Only if you drink one with me.” She was not going to let me off the hook, but I’d had plenty of practice, and I had a good track record at resisting even under duress (read: Pippa and Jenna combining their forces in interrogation).

“Of course. I also keep chocolates at my desk. Can I tempt you with some?” I asked on a grin.

“Private chocolate stash? You’re a girl after my own heart.”



I ended the call quicker when I heard Mom’s voice on the corridor. She was here early. That couldn’t be good. It meant she was up to something.

I darted out of the office the next second. The voice came from Sienna’s office. Further proof that Mom was up to no good. She was chronically late. If she showed up early, it wasn’t happenstance. She had a plan. And when I entered the small room and saw the two of them chatting over coffee, I realized exactly what Mom’s plan had been: cornering Sienna.

“Mom, you’re early.”

“Darling, it’s so good to see you. And don’t worry about me. Sienna was excellent company.”

I winked at them both. “It’s Sienna I’m worrying about.”

Sienna smiled shrewdly.

“Don’t you worry about her. She’s very good at keeping your secrets.”

“You can ask me whatever you want to know, Mom.”

“Very well.” She crossed her arms over her chest—a telltale sign that I was about to be in trouble. “Are you dating anyone? And if yes, will you please bring her tomorrow to a gallery show? Your dad and I are going, and we’d love to spend the time with you.”

Mom didn’t beat around the bush. I took after her in that regard.

This was just like mom, putting me on the spot. To be fair, I had told her to ask whatever she wanted, and she’d used the opportunity to its full potential.

I moved my gaze to Sienna, who stood ramrod straight, fiddling with her thumbs. What was she thinking?

We hadn’t talked about the official status of our relationship. I’d meant to, but every time I was with her, I got so lost in her that every detail simply fell to the background. But I wanted everyone to know she belonged to me—starting with my parents.

Suddenly, the need to know if she shared my feelings, if I was as important to her as she was to me slammed into me. I made a split-second decision, following my instinct more than anything else.

I stepped right next to Sienna, placing an arm around her shoulders. She glanced sideways at me, eyes wide, lips parted. Fuck, I barely kept myself from leaning in and capturing her mouth. Kissing Sienna would definitely clear things up. I drew in a deep breath, trying to rein in my instincts, this insatiable need for Sienna.

Words. I needed words.

“As a matter of fact, Mother, I am dating this lovely creature here.”

Sienna blushed, blowing out a breath. Was it with relief or tension? Damn, I’d been too impulsive, as usual. I wasn’t used to asking for permission, but I wanted to do things right with Sienna.

“I knew it,” Mom said.

We both turned to her.

“You did?” I asked.

“Well... suspected it. Sienna here turned red as soon as I asked if you’re seeing someone. Plus, every time you mention her, the tone of your voice is a little different. A mother can always tell.”